<Enfeeble> Hardcore 70 PvP Guild


So as the time has gone by and 8 months of twink raiding have passed, I've decided to close the raiding schedule for 70 raids. Its becoming far too monotonous and repetitive and the gear gap between our members in arena and opposing teams is becoming quite evident. It was fun raiding, now we're 100% focused on pvp. - Mulciber


<Enfeeble> 70 Twink PvP Guild

Server: Zul'Jin Horde

Battlegroup: Ruin

Website: http://enfeeble.guildomatic.com/



Port: 3796

no password

Guild Facebook: Login | Facebook

What the guild has to offer you:

1. Dedicated 70 twinking environment full of great people to hangout with.

2. A group of skilled pvp'ers to practice against and improved your playing abilities.

3. Daily Arenas, War Games, random BG's, and scheduled Rated BG's.

4. A 50 slot ventrilo with plenty of channels and people to expend your heart's desires.

5. A guild bank slam packed of burning crusade mats, rep items, and leveling gear.

Guild Rules:

1. Know your class in a pvp environment and have proper enchants and gems.

2. Must be over the age of 16.

3. No guild trolling.

Application to the guild:

There are two ways to apply:

On this thread or on our guild website (see beginning of post)

Format for application:

Do you have Ventrilo:

Headset or no headset:

How long have you played WoW:

Whats the highest arena rating you've achieved in any season in 2's, 3's, or 5's:

What class are you and why did you choose this class to twink:

Armory link:

Do you use focus macros and CC when you PvP, if so, tell me a few:

Post a screenshot of your interface, if you are unable to please list the buttons you have key binded:

Previous twink guilds:

We require these two addons below, will you download them:

- Gladius

- Preform AV Enabler
2v3'd a MPS spell cleave, don't think I'm that terribly bad. ;) <---- edit, thats what it was suppose to say.

Are there any specific classes/specs/rolls your looking for?
Jizz_ said:
Why no raids?

got too monotonous and scheduling them was becoming irritable because people were arguing over what to run. Also, I hate having to scream at people on vent unless I'm screaming a heavy metal song. :p

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