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  1. US WTB Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats

    I'll give you 4k for it
  2. US WTB Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats

    WTB Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats WTB Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats any US realm
  3. US WoW Account - 3 Fully Geared Twinks / 80 Rogue

    I think you should keep it, you've worked hard on your characters. Unless you've found another game to play I think you'll get the bug to play sooner or later. Atleast play a little cataclysm. I used to play Eq2 for a couple years and then I quite for a long time. I found that my mind...
  4. Price Check: Clay ring of Strength

    do you have one for sale? what realm? I've been looking for one for a few months now.
  5. All you dumb bitches look fcking retarded...

    It's too bad we live in a culture where women feel they are attractive without shaving their legs and arm pits, wear make up, nail polish, spray tans, high heals, etc. the list goes on and on. This is not what I wrote, don't edit my posts. You make me sound like I think it's necissary for...
  6. Price Check: Tree Bark Jacket

    350-450g is about right for a nice jacket that doesn't drop too often
  7. All you dumb bitches look fcking retarded...

    No, but I do have culture issues. Anyone can see how rediculous these women look. They're doing one of many things they think is necessary to look attractive. It's too bad we live in a culture where women feel they have to shave their legs and arm pits, wear make up, nail polish, spray tans...
  8. All you dumb bitches look fcking retarded...

    great vid. another stupid thing girls do so they can ultimatly have babies. then the majority of them become fat and discusting in their 30's and 40's once the mission is accomplished
  9. Cataclysm Class Changes - Priest

    2 of my 3 twinks are getting screwed, priest/warrior. Priest loses Dispel Magic which is critical and warriors lose overpower, shied bash, battle shout as well as getting their shadowfangs crushed. Why use a shield when shield bash is gone and shadowfang is nerfed. the only thing a shield will...
  10. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    Are they? since when
  11. Cataclysm Class Changes - Warrior

    no overpower, shield bash or battle shout!!!! and a nerfed shadowfang.... they might as well take away hamstring while they're at it and rename the class to Bitch because we're getting screwed by a large Blizzard beast
  12. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    WTB Clay Ring of Strength Looking to buy a Clay Ring of Strength (+5 str) on Elune
  13. US WTB Vendetta

    WTB Vendetta looking to buy a Vendetta on Thunderhorn
  14. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    b bu bum bump
  15. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    Still need a clay ring of strength now on one of these 2 realms, Elune or Zangarmarsh. I have an Assassins blade on Zangarmarsh that I'll sell for 2000g and the clay ring. If you have the ring on Elune and want the assassins blade I'll bring it over and sell it for 2000g and the clay ring.
  16. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    Still don't have me second one yet. I'm transfering my twinks off thunderhorn and zangarmarsh soon so I'll pay up to 800g if someone can find me one on any of these realms, ty.
  17. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    do you know if and when you'll be transfering to Elune?
  18. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    I'll give you 400g for it
  19. US WTB Clay Ring of Strength

    WTB Clay Ring of Strength WTB Clay Ring of Strength on either of the following realms: Elune Thunderhorn Zangarmarsh
  20. Inkobah's Guide to Auctioning

    Thanks for the guide, lots of good stuff here I'd like to try. What happens when all the market's are all ready spoken for? When there's already a lot of people competing to make a profit in the AH and control the prices of high demand goods? I used to buy and sell twink gear on thunderhorn and...