US WoW Account - 3 Fully Geared Twinks / 80 Rogue

WoW Account - 3 Fully Geared Twinks / 80 Rogue

After much consideration, I think I have finally decided to quit and sell my account. I will list the things I have and will be taking offers on it. Wow has just not been as fun as it used to be and am strongly considering moving on. Things just arnt the same as they were before, and I think the twink braket has really gone away from how it used to be, mostly just a bunch of Epeening Dbags now, no offense, some of you are not on that list, but as Drayner stated before, things are not like they were in Prebc

Here is what you will get..


19 Rogue / NE Female Ally

Fully geared, multiple sets (regen/ap/balance/ambush)

2x Shadowfangs / 2X Assassins Blades / AGM / Fishing Hat

225 Herbing / 225 Skinning

19 Warrior / NE Male Ally

Fully geared, multiple sets (balance/fc/dps)

Shadowfang / 2x AGM / Fishing Hat

225 Herbing / 225 Skinning

19 Paladin / Dren Female Ally

Fully geared - No Fishing Hat (holy/fc/ret w/ horde gear

AGM / Inferno Robe / Deadskull / Ect

225 Herbing / 150 Engineering

19 Hunter / Dwarf Male Ally

Work in progress

9/12 Arena Masters / Full Falcon 3/3 Wranglers

225 Herbing / 225 Skinning

There are numerous other semi finished twinks across 7+ other servers and a few bank toons here and there.

Lots of 19 gear including 4 Assassins Blades.

Other toons I was leveling for different brackets..

27 Warrior to 29

38 Prot Pally to 39

48 Ret Pally to 49

41 Warrior to 60 (Has Seargent Title)

Has a ton of BOA's, Prolly around 10 or so.

Rogue/Feral Set

Pally/Shaman/ Set

Thrash Blade

Caster Set

Gold, currently around 12k.


Only 1 atm, and a 71 DK

80 Gnome Rogue (Sergent Ttitle)

Has full Furious/Relentless Mainset / Wrathful off

5400GS PVE

Dual Spec / Mut PVE / Mut PVP

CW Flying, no Epic.

Any questions feel free to ask.:)
I think you should keep your account, you never know when you might change your mind.

I've seen where alot of people have deleted or sold their accounts, and have regreted it ever since.

I know it sounds silly, but I think you will change your mind after a while...

and if you don't, hey! You got something to pass down to the kids or something.

I just think you should reconsider. =/

I totally know what you mean man, I just think I have devoted 5 years of my life to this game, I wouldnt want to hit /played and total up all my mintes, I might consider suicide. Lol
Diiesel said:
I totally know what you mean man, I just think I have devoted 5 years of my life to this game, I wouldnt want to hit /played and total up all my mintes, I might consider suicide. Lol

Lol, I don't think measures need to go to that extreme.

I've been playing since either the day, or a few days after the game came out, and there was a time for 8 months where I didn't have the money to pay for WoW.

The whole time I was soooo bored, and wishing that I could just get back on. It felt like nothing was as good as WoW...

Yes you might say I obsess over it just a little too much, but hey, it's a fun game.

I don't think anyone on this whole site can go against me when I say, selling or tossing your account will backfire, and it will sting.

Just keep the account, 'cause you never know. You might go back to it one day :)
PureCraft said:
Lol, I don't think measures need to go to that extreme.

I've been playing since either the day, or a few days after the game came out, and there was a time for 8 months where I didn't have the money to pay for WoW.

The whole time I was soooo bored, and wishing that I could just get back on. It felt like nothing was as good as WoW...

Yes you might say I obsess over it just a little too much, but hey, it's a fun game.

I don't think anyone on this whole site can go against me when I say, selling or tossing your account will backfire, and it will sting.

Just keep the account, 'cause you never know. You might go back to it one day :)

True:) but if I would wanna quit i would sell my acc, because the desire to come back would fade knowing i got nothing to go back to. Except for my wow m8s ofc:(.
I remember when i first quit, i deleted all my chars to not come back, this was when my main was like a 36 shaman lol, and a few 17-19 chars when i was just starting twinking, and i think a level 1. this was about a month after bc. I than came back like 6 months later and regreted deleting them all. The only think i didnt delete was my shaman because i couldnt :p. (any one who played bc would know that it was a BITCH to level.) also i sold all my gear :p, so when i came back, i regreted it very much. (basically the purpose of this was to tell u to not sell ur acc)
Dont sell your account sir. You'll regret it 5 minutes later.
Diiesel said:
Adding this, will only sell to someone with 500+ Posts with a good reputation on this site.

Guess that takes me out of contention based on the post counts. :p

GLWS Diiesel. Hope you stick around on the site still.

Ink, your kind of an acception man tbh, I guess I would use my own judgement, Im just not selling to someone with 8 posts.
I think you should keep it, you've worked hard on your characters. Unless you've found another game to play I think you'll get the bug to play sooner or later. Atleast play a little cataclysm.

I used to play Eq2 for a couple years and then I quite for a long time. I found that my mind would trial off from time to time and I would get these carvings to escape the real world and seek out fantacy. I wondered where these feelings were coming from, then I remembered, Zelda, Everquest II, Oblivion. Thats when I reactivated my old wow account that I originaly started playing in 2005. And then I discovered PvP :)
Diiesel, dont sell your damn account. Keep that shit inactive if you gotta. You also need to hop in vent sometimes, we miss you :(
I totally understand about people saying I should keep it, but honestly, Im moving from Seattle to San Diego, I have spent the last two weeks on a beach swimming in the ocean with hotties. I honestly dont forsee myself coming back to a video game I used to play for hours on end. I literally went from waking up at 11-noon and going to bed at 2-4am every night to getting up at 7am and going to bed at 10pm. I used to love this game but I have just found life again, I only secluded myself because I hated where I was living and it rains here 11 months out of the year.

I will be moving a couple items, Shadowfang, Blocking Shield, 2000G or so, and all the mail items to make a twink Warrior or Paladin to my IRL friends account just incase I feel like playing casually, but I really dont need my account anymore. I would like to get atleast 300 bucks for it considering it has an 80, tons of items, and 3 fully geared twinks with about 10 more near finished ones across many realms. The 300 bucks will be going to the other 1700 I got for my down payment on my GSXR, had to buy a streetbike for Cali ;-)

So yeah, I appriciate everything people have said but its still going up for sale. It really is a great account with some awesome characters.

@Veil. Dont worry, I will be getting in vent, Im paying for the damn thing ;-) Miss yall too, I get back into Seattle later tonight and start my new job on Wednesday.
When you head down to San Diego make sure to stop off in San franscisco to say hi. I still hope you don't go through with the sale. The great thing about twinks is you can take a year long break and log back in and play with people without your gear being obsolete. I mean seriously, only $300, that's like a days pay just let it go inactive.
can always get it back with a single blizz phonecall if you feel liek it

heh heh
Still for sale. First 300 bucks on paypal or money order takes.

@Turtlez - I have will not be taking the account back. I am done with the game. My friend is currently using the account while its up for sale though ;-)
It was good playing with you. One of the handful of cool people i came across in the twink community. I recently sold my account as well, RL is look real nice right now.

GL in real life.

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