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  1. Official thread to nerf Hunters!

    I agree. Someday Blizz might get smart and move concussive shot to the later levels. How many hunters will die then without their precious slow. Also the pally stun is a tad too the xp-on brackets its fun watching the pally stun one person.....kill their healer then kill the...
  2. An interesting glitch..

    I had a similar problem. I que'ed up for just AB, after it got to 10mins of tiresome waiting i then que'ed for WSG, it then kept making the sound it makes when you que up....but continuously. After about 30secs WSG popped up and quickly disappeared. When i went to reque it told me i was busy...
  3. Quick Question...

    Thanks, the numbers breakdown was what i was looking for. I noticed at level 10 the focus regen was huge, but so far at 15, even with 23% haste i barely notice the difference. I fire explosive shot and 1 arcane and a serpent sting and im then feeling like a sitting duck as i now have to use...
  4. Quick Question...

    Did they remove haste regeneration of focus from hunters? For fun i stocked up my hunter with haste...and he doesnt seem to regenerate focus any quicker. Anyone know or can confirm?
  5. I have a question....

    I hate to open yet another Hunter thread....but some of the ones ive read do not answer my questions. Im wondering what enchant on my weapon 25 agility, or 20 haste? Haste for the gloves too? What about Survival spec....what talents would i be filling? Thanks.
  6. Mage or Warlock?

    Ok so im probably leaning toward Warlock, and probably leaning toward either destro or afflic. Now just need to know which one is more forgiving. Im sort of an uncoordinated the less buttons i have to poke the bette.r
  7. Mage or Warlock?

    Now what about complexity? I hear alot of the times when refering to a fire mage "If played right"
  8. Mage or Warlock?

    I have yet to try a mage, and only have familiarity with the afflic warlock. Tho i am curious as to how viable destro would be in that bracket.
  9. Mage or Warlock?

    Just wondering should i make a Gnome mage or a Gnome warlock w/ engineering to annoy people with in the 50's bracket?
  10. Speed Hack?!!? Really!??!?

    Seriously? Tell me how my post is trolling ....and yours isnt.
  11. Speed Hack?!!? Really!??!?

    Yeah, before i used to see it once a week maybe, but now i see it almost everyday. Someone different from some different server, and now im starting to see people with other odd things, like a gnomish battle chicken and a mithril dragonling I saw in a few different games. There was a priest who...
  12. Speed Hack?!!? Really!??!?

    Im not sure how many of you have experienced this, but it seems to be a growing epidemic. I see more and more speed hackers popping in 10-19 WSG now its getting rediculous. I dont care about the xp i get for the loss, but when its on your side.....a 1 min win 3 or more times in a row start...
  13. Question....

    Just wondering if i was going dps mage and had 5 in Imp. fireball, and 2 in imp. fire blast. where i might spend my next 3 points if i did not need hit? and what glyph for that spec? Thanks
  14. Leveling Budjet Twinks 10 - 19

    I've been doing the same thing now for a couple of months. I level to 10-15 depending on class, like hunters you can do WSG half naked at 10 and still kick ass, but mages...not so much. Then i hit WSG til i hit 20, delete, rinse and repeat. I have a crapload of leveling from 1-10...