Official thread to nerf Hunters!

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pereith said:
Damn I hate being on the 2nd rate EU forums. Someone remind that huntard Rawinstinct what levels he got wing clip, scatter shot and concussive shot at.

hunters always had wingclip and 2 sec concussive in 10-19 when i started in 2007. but most would talent concussive to get it up to 4 secs

scattershot was first seen in 20-29 bracket, had to go MM to talent point it, years later blizz moved it into surv tree. now it's a gimmee for all hunters.

pets, in 2007 near every hunter had a hog in 10-19 and 20-29 because they had a charge that did a 1 sec stop/ it's bats with 2 sec

on the flip side hunters use to actually do real well in melee, blizz nerfed thet hella hard and pretty well removed that. they blue posted they wanted hunters to be ranged. hunters these days get cripple poisoned/infected wound/hamstring, etc. they are actually in bad situtation, if CD's aren't up and ready
my 19 horde hunter is surv spec, i only tested MM on another account 19 alliance hunter, it was only good against a few classes, but it was really high

the scaling of aim shot is poorly done on blizzard's part. i play mostly 70's and MM-aimshot is not gamebreaking. my main spec is Surv, tried MM for 3 days, was not impressed, went back to Surv.

blizzard in many patch note changes......state percent changes based on levels like 80+ or below were they are having issues with endgame. however, aim shot got a blanket buff across all levels. the aim shot buff was in result of hunter nerfs in DPS to dumb targets in PVE where one can sit back and ignorantly peg away. the changes to aim shot have not affected 85 PVP, only PVE.

recently blizzard did a insane buff to priest bubbles to give them more survivability at 85 PVP. the changes they did puts them in near god mode in lower PVP brackets, because it was also done as a blind overall class change with no regards to the level.

rogues....don't even have to explain that one

it you start a thread on wowforums, i would cite examples of blanket changes, and to put future limits on changes to affect 85 PVP/PVE to levels 80+
Wait wait wait, I'm reading all that and at the end, basically you're telling me, hunter aren't so overpower?
I opened up a GM ticket regarding Hunters and Blizzard told me to post a thread in the same forum they deleted my previous thread... >.>
How much i hate hunters.... ofc they have to be nerfed. Paladins too, stunt lasts like 6 seconds and they spam exorcism while stunted and dead this is not fair. Blizzard has to bring back some abilities or change some (i'd love charge in combat) or nerf the other classes !! Warrior is the most unfair class to play on lvl 19 and we have to do something !

My first time im writing on this site btw :)
I agree. Someday Blizz might get smart and move concussive shot to the later levels. How many hunters will die then without their precious slow.

Also the pally stun is a tad too the xp-on brackets its fun watching the pally stun one person.....kill their healer then kill the still stunned player. 5-6 secs is bit too much.
i have been ping-ponging alot with some GM's lately, since their Guild xp system is majorly fuc*ed up... (they claimed that you only get guild xp for quests that would gief regular xp, however i frequently experience grey quests that giefs me Grep..)

but back on topic: talking with this one GM, we got on the topic of the rediculous (and now nerfed) fishing poles, and then on to hunters & paladins, he miiight have been a lying motherfuc*er, but he told me that the developers were testing some level requirements on certain hunter abilities, and also some dmg nerf on both classes..
bankbeauty said:
Wait wait wait, I'm reading all that and at the end, basically you're telling me, hunter aren't so overpower?

He's just stupid. He's trying to defend his shitty class by calling it 'fine'

Re-roll Shanker, and stop being so pathetic.
all they need to do is let wars have that grey item "enti sword" back. i think that would balance everything out just fine.
Waaag said:
all they need to do is let wars have that grey item "enti sword" back. i think that would balance everything out just fine.

then they would be a new overpowered version of warlocks
Exodus said:
I agree. Someday Blizz might get smart and move concussive shot to the later levels. How many hunters will die then without their precious slow.

Also the pally stun is a tad too the xp-on brackets its fun watching the pally stun one person.....kill their healer then kill the still stunned player. 5-6 secs is bit too much.

Well is not only their concussive shot... they got also scater shot, this shit who get knocked back and their pets stunt ! Hunters are so wtf ! Must be nerfed immediately !
Splenda said:
then they would be a new overpowered version of warlocks

Uh, no. Enti's sword was the great rogue buster. Rend, rend, rend. And if the warrior got ahold of the hunter, then it was the great equalizer.

He was right. The absurd abilities that rogues, hunters and others have at 19 was solved by enti's sword, not added to.
Yeah i logged onto my boa non enchanted hunter...well a few agi chants. but had the 75 AP boost from valentines. I was getting a flow of steady aimed shots ranging from 1.2k (low end) to a couple 2.2k's. (rage hut + the 20% dmg after a kill.) totally ridiculous

Considering how easy it is to get one off...and having a 50-53% chance to crit on full hp was pretty much no effort domination.

I don't understand how they patch these things without any forethought. they changed MS and Ambush to not be so OP'd at low levels yet they go right on ahead and implement this change to marks with no thought to low levels.
Sosaye said:
Uh, no. Enti's sword was the great rogue buster. Rend, rend, rend. And if the warrior got ahold of the hunter, then it was the great equalizer.

He was right. The absurd abilities that rogues, hunters and others have at 19 was solved by enti's sword, not added to.

Holy shit, you're from Flagstaff Arizona? I'm at NAU right now.
Sosaye said:
He was right. The absurd abilities that rogues, hunters and others have at 19 was solved by enti's sword, not added to.

damn overpowered rogues with their absurd abilities in 3.something :mad:(!!
i bumped the only thread that was still up:

i agree with this 100% and want to bump this thread.

i have several 19s that i play on a regular basis, one of them a hunter. i destroy people left and right and my hunter isn't even twinked yet, and is without boas (i made one on a different server from my main). there is absolutely no reason why i should be one and two shotting people with twice the amount of health as is normal for the level when i myself am wearing a mix of starting zone greens and unenchanted quest reward blues.

i did much of the actual leveling of my 19 hunter in wsg before turning off xp, and it's the same there. i doubt very much that any of your new customers are enjoying their first tastes of pvp. i even did SEVERAL wsg's with seven hunters on my side and 5-7 on the opposing team's side.

does that tell you anything? everyone else stopped queuing in disgust. so unless every single one of your new customers is a hunter, i would be very interested in fixing this if i were a smart company who doesn't want their new customer retention rate to decline.
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