Leveling Budjet Twinks 10 - 19


I am addicted to the 10 - 19 bracket. I used to have a budjet twink that did quite well but levelling in BG changed all that.

Now I start BG at 10 with a budjet twink and upgrade my gear at 15 then 18. When I get to 20 I delete and reroll. I ussually have 3 or 4 alts of varying classes to move between. My main is an enchanter. I have non binding enchanted gear to speed up the levelling until I hit 10 that can be transfered to the next alt for levelling. Straight off the bat, from level 10 I dominate the stats in WSG. My greatest wish is to find like minded players already in a guild, if not let my own guild travel down that path. I am having difficulty finding players with a mature attitude who are willing to follow my formula.

For in game chat my guild is the "Blud Clan" Guildmaster "Bludblud" Realm "Barthilus" Zone "Oceanic" Faction "Horde"
yeah, ive heard of people doing this. I generally level any twink that im planning on making 10-19 via pvp, just so as soon as I hit 19 Ive got the Pvp Neck / insig and shit.

on another topic.

" Blud clan" ? really?

haha :confused:
I've been doing the same thing now for a couple of months. I level to 10-15 depending on class, like hunters you can do WSG half naked at 10 and still kick ass, but mages...not so much. Then i hit WSG til i hit 20, delete, rinse and repeat. I have a crapload of heirlooms...so leveling from 1-10 or so is easy. I dont bother with trying to go full-on twink, if i cant get it from a few dungeon runs, or I cant buy it...I dont worry about it....I just fill it out with whats available on the AH, and throw on some enchants. Its fun....I look forward to the Warrior changes next patch, and dread the coming druid buff to nature's grasp.
I like this idea. At its heart, twinking really is about rolling undergeared levelers. Personally id roll a lock/shammy/hunter and run it from 10 all the way to 50, just fund it raiding on my main. By the time I get that high I might even just run it the rest of the way to 80. That'd depend on if I can snag a dread pirate ring though.
I don't really understand the term "Budget Twink". Doesn't twinking involve getting absolutely the best gear possible?
Twerk said:
I don't really understand the term "Budget Twink". Doesn't twinking involve getting absolutely the

best gear possible?

Yes, you're correct, but there's a certain point where you can get so much gear and be a "viable" twink, but not polished. If you're premading that won't fly but leveling you'll probably be solid if you play a FOTM class.
this has been going on for awhile. i always refer to them as floating twinks

they are far from being budget in many cases, although they may not fish for the fishing hat and get a AGM....i have seen them do eng to get at least the 4 stam goggles and 75-150 herbing.

BoA gear made this possible and painless. also Blizz added to the pain of non-geared levelers when they reduced all XP in the BGs several patches ago. next patch is supposed to add XP per kill also? something they had thrown around before and never implemented

there is a warrior freak on my server that has 3 warrior floater twinks in 10-19 bracket, at 20 he deletes and rerolls a replacement. he does full enchants as he levels thru, turn off XP at various levels to get certain items. at 15 que dungeon finder to get cloak/belts...etc.

as for playstyle they are not interested in winning, no matter how many kills they have at 20 player is trashed
Some people make what is called a "paper twink" basically all white items with enchants and BOA's. I guess I am wondering at what point do these "floating twinks" consider their gear to be good, ideally you want to maximize gear in a minimal amount of time. What items simply take too much effort to get? only fishing hat and AGM? wouldn't you really optimize your time owning people if you didn't have the 20% experience gains from BOA items?

Why not make a perfect xp-off twink and turn off XP right when you get to 19? Then you can go back and own people whenever you want just make sure you join a fresh WSG, make sure you grab the flag, and make sure you leave before your team can cap the flag or the game ends...This almost seems more fun but a little more risky.

I will also add that I don't think the reason people twink is to own newbie levelers, that's clearly not the reason people are playing in the XP-off bracket twinking means you are maximizing your gear to the point where you can no longer get any upgrades, this of course does not happen very often at max level because blizzard creates a system that keeps you in the rat race for gear every new content patch and expansion

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