Mage or Warlock?


Just wondering should i make a Gnome mage or a Gnome warlock w/ engineering to annoy people with in the 50's bracket?
I have yet to try a mage, and only have familiarity with the afflic warlock. Tho i am curious as to how viable destro would be in that bracket.
Exodus said:
I have yet to try a mage, and only have familiarity with the afflic warlock. Tho i am curious as to how viable destro would be in that bracket.

Differences between destro 'locks and fire mages are fairly slim; destro has the advantage of a pet; fire mages, if you can believe it, probably have more survivability unless the destro is sub-spec'd for soul link. Fire has a surprising number of escape moves, at least in terms of melee, and several of them work as caster interrupts as well.
Now what about complexity? I hear alot of the times when refering to a fire mage "If played right"
Exodus said:
Now what about complexity? I hear alot of the times when refering to a fire mage "If played right"

takes a lot of skill to know when to use what ability at what time. when to fight and when to run, etc. can be rewarding...but high skill cap
Ehhh, fire is pretty facerollable at 59. And they definitely come out behind frost with a good player at the helm.

Destro is crazy good "if played right."
Ok so im probably leaning toward Warlock, and probably leaning toward either destro or afflic. Now just need to know which one is more forgiving. Im sort of an uncoordinated the less buttons i have to poke the bette.r
19 bracket
I can think of a couple affliction warlocks with poor coordination who do relatively well. You can always dual spec and try out whatever you like.

Just remember that nigh invulnerability belt = AGM and herbs is almost as OP at 59 as 19.

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