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  1. Mattens

    [CLASSIC] 39s arena nite WEDNESDAYS

    Woo! I'm already on pagle, as much as I don't think rogue is great in terms of populairity, my brother has a 36 warrior, and I have a 28 rogue, so we could get to 39 each and make a sub-arms comp, you get lots of bleed buffs :D Bleedcleave?
  2. Mattens

    [CLASSIC] 39s arena nite WEDNESDAYS

    :O at least it works
  3. Mattens

    [CLASSIC] 39s arena nite WEDNESDAYS

    Yeah, basicly what I'm hoping :D Cus if this works for non-max level players, then I'm making a 39 rogue baby.
  4. Mattens

    [CLASSIC] 39s arena nite WEDNESDAYS

    is this for low level players?
  5. Mattens

    What is the best 60s twink?

    I don't mind pvp healing, but yeah I will most likely do aff lock. ty for the help!
  6. Mattens

    What is the best 60s twink?

    Not buying Dragonflight, prob never will :) What's the best 60 twink? (In your opinion) Including fun, power and fantasy. Love yall <3
  7. Mattens

    Starting 30s Twinking Guild tichondrius alliance! <Crit Squad>

    Starting 30s Twinking Guild tichondrius alliance! <Crit Squad>
  8. Mattens

    Starting 30s Twinking Guild! Area-52 Horde!

    Starting 30s Twinking Guild! Area-52 Horde!
  9. Mattens

    US Starting a 30s Twink PvE/PvP Community!

    I might play Combat rouge, (warglaves could be fun) or possibly fury warrior, maybe ele/resto shaman? Haven't chosen yet :P
  10. Mattens

    US Starting a 30s Twink PvE/PvP Community!

    I checked the forums, and noticed no 30s! *sad* So what I'm doing is starting an Alliance guild on Tichondrius Named (Crit Squad) and the goal of the guild is to clear raids, smash dungeons and even maybe battlegrounds! In case you're like: "Mattens, But why 30s?" Because my friend, 30 is the...
  11. Mattens

    US <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> - The Largest & Most Social Guild is RECRUITING ALL 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES / PARTIES

    I'm new to retail twinking, do you just get to 29 and cap your exp off? also do the battleground queues take forever? Hmm... I want to make a 29 twink because it seems fun :D BUT I have no idea about how long the BG queues are, how stupid broken are some classes etc.
  12. Mattens

    Currently Listening To...

    >: )
  13. Mattens

    19 Warsong Etiquette

    Queued for WSG if anyone wants to queue we will prob run into eachother :)
  14. Mattens

    10-19 Level 19 Moonkin Twink Guide (Wotlk)

    TYVM! I love all the support yall' give me :D
  15. Mattens

    10-19 Level 19 Moonkin Twink Guide (Wotlk)

    OHH tyvm! here we go :D
  16. Mattens

    10-19 Level 19 Moonkin Twink Guide (Wotlk)

    Thanks! Yeah I mean, it kind of sucks but then again most of the heirlooms I listed you don't really need, you can get the Tabar Mantle and Twisted Chanter's Staff, another thing is the heirloom caster chest is 'true bis' but through my testing you lose a lot of int and some stam so it's not...
  17. Mattens

    I guess Oct 25 is official prepatch...

    I will twink 60s because i'm not buying DF, so broken stuff will stay broken idc, but hopefully it will be fixed right? right...