Sup Guys! This is my first XPOff guide, but don't worry! I spent a lot of time on my boomie and know a lot of things most other guide makers don't! Now let's jump right in!
Part 1: The Basics
Part 2: Choosing a Race
Part 3: Talents / Glyphs
Part 4: Spells
Part 5: Gear / Enchants
Part 6: Consumables
First things first. Moonkins are not the most powerful damage caster in the 19s bracket, but, their healing can make up for it, also they are the best flag carrier in the game. Getting away from warriors, paladins, and even rogues is a breeze because of Nature's Grasp and Roots.
Cons: They tend to have mana problems, these can be avoided (mostly) with mana pots though.
You will often be flag carrying, so your playstyle might not be what you want it to be most of the
time. Unless, you don't give a crap about your team
Tauren: Ah yes, the bulky cow, the stun racial they have can be really good from getting away from those pesky melee, and also some other uses. But where they really shines is the 5% bonus health, it really scales with all your gear, in full best in slot gear giving you around 70 more health!
Night Elf: The good looking 6'2 guys. Their skill Shadowmeld can be really good if you use it right, giving you a nice sneak-up attack. As much as people say it's great, the 1% dodge almost does nothing, mostly as a mookin. so pick your choice.

Honestly though, it really is personal. But objectively, 5/5 on Starlight Wrath. Next you got 5 points left, Nature's Majesty can be good, but I personally have Improved Moonfire 2/2 because I love the skill, and it helps with pawning level 10 noobs. The last 3 points I put into Moonglow because of mana, but It prob isn't the best choice, so if you want less spell pushback you can go for Nature's Focus. But there is a lot that goes into it, so feel free to toy around a little.
Glphys: Glyph of the Wild, more mana for booming. If you want to be able to heal as good as a normal healer, you NEED Glyph of Healing Touch, it will be the single biggest change in how you play your class. Otherwise, if you just want damage over time, grab Glyph of Moonfire, picking this will make Moonfire NOT GOOD TO SPAM, so keep that in mind, I personally would take the Healing Touch one but hey, your twink your rules.
Thorns: I don't care what anyone says, thorns is garbage, waste of mana. (Unless it's the start of match)
Wrath: Your main spell, spam it mostly.
Moonfire: You should use it if the target doesn't already have it on them, also against melee you can spam and kite with it too.
Regrowth: Use when you or your healing target are like at 50%, follow it up with Rejuvenation if you already don't have it on you.
Rejuvenation: Always have this up on you if you are in combat, otherwise it's a waste of mana. (Also it isn't worth using when you're fighting, you know, level 10 noobs.)
Healing Touch: When you have Regrowth applied already.
Hibernate: Baby tiger go to sleep.
Entangling Roots: Use on players you want to stay range from or don't want running away.
Mark of the Wild: Buff, always have it up.
Nature's Grasp: Use while flag carrying and when trying to get away.
Faerie Fire: Rogue + This = Swiper no 1 shot.
Bear Form / Bash: Use against melee, sometimes ranged if you can, most of the time isn;t worth it unless you plan to be in bear form for other stuff like more health, tanking, etc.
Demoralizing Roar: Use against melee if you have a healer, because bear form is mostly not worth it otherwise.
Neck: Thick Bronze Necklace, Yeah, better than the Sentinel's Medallion. Here me out, the Bronze boi over here is pumpin' with a sweet 3 Stam, while the other crappy blues, ew, has only 2. But, I can already here your keyboard rattling, 6+ Agi doesn't matter too much. (So I guess it doesn't really matter at all what one you pick)
Shoulders: Preened Ironfeather Shoulders. Not hard to get, yes you need a max level toon for em' but if you don't have one already, you shouldn't be twinking
Chest: Tree Bark Jacket with +4 all stats, the Preened Ironfeather Breastplate isn't better, unless you have tons of badges and no gold, then go for it if you have all your other heirlooms.
Back: Spidersilk Drape with +5 All Res.
Bracers: Mindthrust Bracers with +15 SP
Gloves: Magefist Gloves with +16 SP
Belt: Girdle of the Blindwatcher.
Legs: Darkweave Breeches.
Boots: Spidersilk Boots with +7 Stam. (In my opinion, the movement speed doesn't do much.)
Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn.
Ring 2: Lorekeeper's Ring.
Trinket 1: Arena Grand Master.
Trinket 2: Insignia of the Alliance/Horde. Or Arena Grand Master for more Stamina.
Weapons: Devout Aurastone Hammer with +30 SP. (There is a 29 SP one and it's so much cheaper, so get that one but if you want full BiS, then I won't stop you.)
Off Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch.
Scroll of Stamina II: More Health = Tanky
Rumsey Rum Black Label: Bottoms Up!
Swiftness Potion: Everyone on the enemy faction will hate you
Thank you so much for reading my guide! I spent a lot of time on it and I would appreciate if you guys don't hate me in the comments
Love yall, stay legendary.
[doublepost=1666108774,1666064046][/doublepost]Hopefully I will be able to post a gear list sometime, I can't post links right now so gonna need to wait.
Part 1: The Basics
Part 2: Choosing a Race
Part 3: Talents / Glyphs
Part 4: Spells
Part 5: Gear / Enchants
Part 6: Consumables
Part 1: The Basics So you want to make a moonkin? The kings of spamming one
button? Well your in for a treat because I know a lot about that.
button? Well your in for a treat because I know a lot about that.
First things first. Moonkins are not the most powerful damage caster in the 19s bracket, but, their healing can make up for it, also they are the best flag carrier in the game. Getting away from warriors, paladins, and even rogues is a breeze because of Nature's Grasp and Roots.
Cons: They tend to have mana problems, these can be avoided (mostly) with mana pots though.
You will often be flag carrying, so your playstyle might not be what you want it to be most of the
time. Unless, you don't give a crap about your team
Part 2: Choosing a Race Well, this should be simple right? Wrong.
Tauren: Ah yes, the bulky cow, the stun racial they have can be really good from getting away from those pesky melee, and also some other uses. But where they really shines is the 5% bonus health, it really scales with all your gear, in full best in slot gear giving you around 70 more health!
Night Elf: The good looking 6'2 guys. Their skill Shadowmeld can be really good if you use it right, giving you a nice sneak-up attack. As much as people say it's great, the 1% dodge almost does nothing, mostly as a mookin. so pick your choice.
Part 3: Talents and Glyphs Mana or Healing?
It mostly boils down to what you like more, but who cares about fun?
Honestly though, it really is personal. But objectively, 5/5 on Starlight Wrath. Next you got 5 points left, Nature's Majesty can be good, but I personally have Improved Moonfire 2/2 because I love the skill, and it helps with pawning level 10 noobs. The last 3 points I put into Moonglow because of mana, but It prob isn't the best choice, so if you want less spell pushback you can go for Nature's Focus. But there is a lot that goes into it, so feel free to toy around a little.
Glphys: Glyph of the Wild, more mana for booming. If you want to be able to heal as good as a normal healer, you NEED Glyph of Healing Touch, it will be the single biggest change in how you play your class. Otherwise, if you just want damage over time, grab Glyph of Moonfire, picking this will make Moonfire NOT GOOD TO SPAM, so keep that in mind, I personally would take the Healing Touch one but hey, your twink your rules.
Part 4: Spells Not your bread and butter, more like your table and knife.
Thorns: I don't care what anyone says, thorns is garbage, waste of mana. (Unless it's the start of match)
Wrath: Your main spell, spam it mostly.
Moonfire: You should use it if the target doesn't already have it on them, also against melee you can spam and kite with it too.
Regrowth: Use when you or your healing target are like at 50%, follow it up with Rejuvenation if you already don't have it on you.
Rejuvenation: Always have this up on you if you are in combat, otherwise it's a waste of mana. (Also it isn't worth using when you're fighting, you know, level 10 noobs.)
Healing Touch: When you have Regrowth applied already.
Hibernate: Baby tiger go to sleep.
Entangling Roots: Use on players you want to stay range from or don't want running away.
Mark of the Wild: Buff, always have it up.
Nature's Grasp: Use while flag carrying and when trying to get away.
Faerie Fire: Rogue + This = Swiper no 1 shot.
Bear Form / Bash: Use against melee, sometimes ranged if you can, most of the time isn;t worth it unless you plan to be in bear form for other stuff like more health, tanking, etc.
Demoralizing Roar: Use against melee if you have a healer, because bear form is mostly not worth it otherwise.
Part 5: Gear and Enchants (AkA BiS) Well well well, this is gonna make
some people mad... I AM A SMART BIRDIE
Head: Lucky Fishing Hat, if you can't get it (It is really hard) then grab your Green Tinted Goggles, no one will shame you. There is no enchants for the helm at this level, soo.some people mad... I AM A SMART BIRDIE
Neck: Thick Bronze Necklace, Yeah, better than the Sentinel's Medallion. Here me out, the Bronze boi over here is pumpin' with a sweet 3 Stam, while the other crappy blues, ew, has only 2. But, I can already here your keyboard rattling, 6+ Agi doesn't matter too much. (So I guess it doesn't really matter at all what one you pick)
Shoulders: Preened Ironfeather Shoulders. Not hard to get, yes you need a max level toon for em' but if you don't have one already, you shouldn't be twinking
Chest: Tree Bark Jacket with +4 all stats, the Preened Ironfeather Breastplate isn't better, unless you have tons of badges and no gold, then go for it if you have all your other heirlooms.
Back: Spidersilk Drape with +5 All Res.
Bracers: Mindthrust Bracers with +15 SP
Gloves: Magefist Gloves with +16 SP
Belt: Girdle of the Blindwatcher.
Legs: Darkweave Breeches.
Boots: Spidersilk Boots with +7 Stam. (In my opinion, the movement speed doesn't do much.)
Ring 1: Seal of Wrynn.
Ring 2: Lorekeeper's Ring.
Trinket 1: Arena Grand Master.
Trinket 2: Insignia of the Alliance/Horde. Or Arena Grand Master for more Stamina.
Weapons: Devout Aurastone Hammer with +30 SP. (There is a 29 SP one and it's so much cheaper, so get that one but if you want full BiS, then I won't stop you.)
Off Hand: Furbolg Medicine Pouch.
Part 6: Consumables Botta' O Wotta
Minor Wizard Oil: Apply to your weapon. Duh.
Scroll of Stamina II: More Health = Tanky
Rumsey Rum Black Label: Bottoms Up!
Swiftness Potion: Everyone on the enemy faction will hate you
Thank you so much for reading my guide! I spent a lot of time on it and I would appreciate if you guys don't hate me in the comments
[doublepost=1666108774,1666064046][/doublepost]Hopefully I will be able to post a gear list sometime, I can't post links right now so gonna need to wait.