Search results

  1. Ret lvl 60 horde LFM on EU Stormscale

    Greetings all! I just wonder if there are any active guild for lvl 60s on EU Stormscale. Cheers
  2. F2P Twinking - Extras Guide

    God job :) Sticky!
  3. EU WTB Mindthrust Bracers

    Its one pair for sel on Stormscale for 30k
  4. any1 on eu in queue tonight?

    I wonder about the same thing! Currently making pally for this bracket on Stormscale. Also is there any 49 twinkguilds on any EU realm? Cheers,
  5. Eye of the flame

    I have seen it goes for 100-500g, not so very accurated though. Now I really wonder what the new stats for them will be in Cata...
  6. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    It was awsome to see 4 WSG almost insta pop after each other :) Hopefully hordes get some more healers next time to make the games more even ;)
  7. EU Blackout, Sunday 29th may - 10vs10 Warsong

    The WSG was fun :D Hopefully we will get more games next time.
  8. EU Blackout, Sunday 29th may - 10vs10 Warsong

    Looking forward to this :) Ill join on ally side.
  9. Hunter spec dilemma

    As Med'an pointed out hunters dam is great. Also, it all depends on what role you wanna play and what is needed for you group and what kind of BG/arena you play. Aim shot is pretty mandatory IMO. In the survival tree I would put 3 points in Hawk eye. Entrapment is great, so is...
  10. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Hi all :) Im transfering my hunter (ally) this weekend if everything goes as planned. Proffs is Eng + Herb. Cya ;)
  11. Which BG is most active 39's

    Good to hear the 39 bracket is coming back! Keep up the good work! As soon as I get hand of AGM I will transfer my hunter (ally) to Draenor.
  12. EU PC BoSA

    PC BoSA Just curious! :)
  13. EU PC: Monolithic Bow and lotv

    Maybe you already got an idea of the price, but bought LotV for around 250g
  14. Pricecheck: [Adventurer's Pith Helmet]

    Ty for the info :)
  15. Pricecheck: [Adventurer's Pith Helmet]

    I have seen it on AH for around 300 gc...
  16. Satchel of Helpful Goods Thread

    On my rogue (lvl 28) only been in Gnomer so far using the random system. Seems like we cant get all the good stuff at lvl 29. btw, first time writing here, this site is awsome :D Cheers,