Pricecheck: [Adventurer's Pith Helmet]

the price went up for em since they added the crit. I'm not exactly sure how that happened since 39's over all went down and Uldaman is being run now more than ever.... but oh well, i'm no economist
Crilicilyn said:
the price went up for em since they added the crit. I'm not exactly sure how that happened since 39's over all went down and Uldaman is being run now more than ever.... but oh well, i'm no economist

There's still a big enough population of 39 twinks and 30 something levelers to make the demand far outweigh the supply. I'd value the helm at about 1000g currently.

I got mine for ~500g I believe and was happy as hell. 700+ would be imaginable.
Back in the day i used to move these for 150g ea lol. I still can't believe that they not only caught up to,but surpassed expert goldminers in price >.<

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