EU Blackout, Sunday 29th may - 10vs10 Warsong

Aight badboys..

This sunday, 29th may, we are going to attempt to get the first xp lock 39 battleground going on..

I ask anyone with a 39 twink in blackout battlegroup to log on their twink and queue Warsong and Arathi at 19:00..

BE THERE, OR BE QUEER (like regulate, seriously this is an example of what u get when you play wow in ur command centre 14 hours a day every day for 5 years)

- Gokkun, GM of SKey Gaming
Also you mf's singlequeue soo people that's not on the server draenor have a chance to join the 39 godness.
Seriously people, you don't wanna miss out on the first games in x months. The resurrection games. So if you got a twink that you haven't lvl to 39 yet, go finish him off!

There's a pretty high chance the match will be frapsed, go queue WSG/AB on sunday and join this epic bg/film!

PS, we might have some prices also:):p
Prices? What is this, a lottery? The winners don't need 100g, the winners won the first non-XP 39 WSG in Blackout.
Tetrica said:
Prices? What is this, a lottery? The winners don't need 100g, the winners won the first non-XP 39 WSG in Blackout.

No prices for you then
Me and my cousin are just about to make twinks (War/hunter), thought we won't finish in time :(

However, if the event becomes a success and you plan on other ones, we will most gladly transfer :D
DANG! i need someone to fraps this. (or take a SS at the same rate as Fraps). I wont be attending since i'm going on a schooltrip to Öland(lol).

However if the games is before 9 or so in the morning (swedish time) i'll join.
emetophilia said:
I wont be attending since i'm going on a schooltrip to Öland(lol).

there used to be a 49 guild on silvermoon called ölands djurpark, if you can locate any of the members, stab them right in the EYESSSSSSSSSSSSS

oh, and to the people attending; have fun

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