Satchel of Helpful Goods Thread

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Obe said:
Is SM GY the only for lvl 29? I've never got into another instance, so it doesn't feel very random to me. Even if some instances would be very easy, it would at least give some variation. And it's a shame SM library isn't included in the 29 dungeons aswell, since the epic ring drops there.

On my 39 druid, I've done SM Cathedral and Uldaman so far after two runs.

Yeah, so far on both my 29 twinks I've ONLY had SM GY.

I got a gnomer run on my 25-26 mage...

my 49 mage I've had BRD (also a super short run because it only requires you to kill the boss lady on the jail side) and ST, my 48 war got Mara.
on my 19 ive only been in rfc (4+ times right now...nothing else)

on my 49 i got into ST

over all i love the new system, breaks the monotony & also gives some nice gear
After running SM GY about 20 times on my druid.... I got NO sign of anything leather for healers... It was always Bandit/Wild gloves and Battle Necks..

Does anyone know the drop chance for all this stuff? oO
Kilda said:
After running SM GY about 20 times on my druid.... I got NO sign of anything leather for healers... It was always Bandit/Wild gloves and Battle Necks..

Does anyone know the drop chance for all this stuff? oO

Very bad drop chance. I had about 2-3 caster leather gloves when farming for the stuff for my rogue. And i think i did 30+ runs because the right neck would never drop, got caster stuff all the time.
Same here, did shitloads of runs on my druid for the gloves, but never got them. When I went there with my rogue, I got the sp leather gloves first run ...
After 30 runs for my healer shaman, I've gotten the caster gloves twice, but yet to see the caster neck. Another caster shaman in this forum managed to get the caster neck to drop, so I think it's just "The curse of the Deadman's Hand" or something like that.

On my rogue (lvl 28) only been in Gnomer so far using the random system.

Seems like we cant get all the good stuff at lvl 29.

btw, first time writing here, this site is awsome :D

My Warlock is finished after about 20 runs SM GY (only instance available for 29s).

Got the three sets I wanted: Vision for max spell power, Sorcerer for balanced play, and Stamina.

Do you know if it is possible to get the ilvl25 satchel loot if I use worse gear? I'm having some problems with getting that mantle.
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