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  1. Muroto

    Attribute Weight

    Source? I tried looking it up, cannot seem to find it. From what I found on Reddit forums (link below), though, Blizzard have changed the Attack Power gain from Strength to have a 1:1 relation with Attack Power (i.e. 10 Strength = 10 Attack Power), but again, cannot find any official...
  2. Muroto

    Attribute Weight

    Not sure about Arms, have not touched it. My question still stands. For a Fury Warrior, since you mentioned Strength > Secondary Attributes, how much Haste/Crit/Vers = 1 Strength (the attribute weight). For a max level character (according to Pawn) ~16 Strength is worth ~15 Crit, ~19 Haste (up...
  3. Muroto

    Attribute Weight

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone ran a 49 Warrior through a simulator (if so, which one). Curious to find out the attribute weight distribution, as I do not think the max level weight works for 49. Currently, using Pawn, the values are as follows: Strength = 1.61 Crit = 1.53 Haste = 1.89...
  4. Muroto

    EU Which classes are good to start on

    Hunter! Because reasons...
  5. Muroto

    US Lvl1 Pally tink

    Hey ConfusingQT, I apologize for my lack of understanding... Do you just deck yourself out in full 'loom and duel?
  6. Muroto

    US Explain This...

    Hello gentlemen, You know how a picture can say a thousand words? Here it is... Can someone explain this anomaly to me please? Here is the link to armory:
  7. Muroto

    classic wow release date 04/01/2019

    Hey Sanitorium, I am definitely going to be playing. Do you have any advice on realms to pick? Thanks in advance!
  8. Muroto

    20-29 twink

    Hey Geronimo, From my skewed understating of the 20-29 bracket, I think any decently twinked character can pack a punch. That being said... Mages pack two punches. Sometimes three! ;)
  9. Muroto

    most over powered class in each bracket.

    Hey Monkandunk, From my very limited (and partially biased) experience for the 20-29 bracket. 1. Mages - I have seen some very geared mages do miracles (they are mages after all). I think most of them were Arcane, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. 2. Warriors - Consistent and...