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  1. US WTS Formal Dangui

    I'll give you 2k if you xfer to me.
  2. I chalenge you CM lover vs a TLA duel!

    Cptheal prawb iz juzt butthurt taht he gawt beet bi sum 1337 warr w/tla Dont QQ cptheal, u no dep doun tla4lyf!
  3. I chalenge you CM lover vs a TLA duel!

    You guys are just jealous of rc imo. Tla4lyf yo!
  4. All 29s looking to get games

    Hes doin it wrong. Likely Qing at like 5am instead of 5 pm.
  5. +8agi +13sta +20attack Aquamarine Signet of the Monkey

    These restored items are completely useless. Not only do they not give you the extra stats, they dont give you any stats at all, including the ones they are supposed to give. If you want it to look pretty in your bank, then go ahead and buy it, but if you want something that actually gives...
  6. All 29s looking to get games

    Alliance wins like 70% of the games, and about 95% of the premades.
  7. All 29s looking to get games

    What? Idk, I havent been on the past 2 nights that much tbh, but we get our wsg's around 6 est - 1 est. If you're not getting pops during that time, urdoinitrong.
  8. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    Before fal xfered everyone though you were atrocious. 1 player doesnt upgrade you from awful to decent. Wasnt that game from ffs a pug v pug? I thought someone posted a ss, and there were only like 6 ffs in there? Regardless, skywall has shoutout to nightfall, knights of ni...
  9. All 29s looking to get games

    No one has a perf rogue. It doesnt exist. Your rogue isnt bad, but you had a couple questionable choices, and I guarantee you dont have every offset, because no one does.
  10. All 29s looking to get games

    Retarded rumor is retarded? Confirm/confirm
  11. An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

    Skywall is where all the good horde guilds reside. We are rampage was considered the joke of the bracket for a long time, then falarus xfered there, and started "saying" they were better than they skywall guilds even though everyone knows that's a ridiculous statement. There are...
  12. WTT shadowfang for computer<-DELETED!?!?

    Hahahah this is the best thread ever. Thanks twinkinfo.
  13. All 29s looking to get games

    Ya, sorry, thats not a perfect rogue. Not bad, but not perf. As for where to xfer to. Skywall is the best horde server and windrunner is the best alliance.
  14. Replacing Master Hunter's Bow with Rifle

    Your chances are 100%. There's already precedent for this. If a gm doesnt do it they're just being lazy, complain until you get what you want.
  15. Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

    Dont be jealous of my 1337 deeps
  16. Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

    Eh, no one on reckoning cares about arena anyways. As for tla v CM, tla is obviously better. Its faster for pushback, and it has more deeps! Tla 4 lyf yo!
  17. Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

    1st of all tla 4 lyf!!!!! CM is for bads, everyone knows faster weaps are better for the spell pushback. 2nd of all, I've never seen sooper use it. The only baddie I've ever seen use it on alliance is chimpokomon, and everyone laughs at that guy for being terrible.
  18. Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

    I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying that a trinket that 1 shots people is generally frowned upon, especially considering its usually alliance only. Even now that it's not alliance only, its just stupid anyways. Lightning generator is frowned upon in 60's for the same reason. It's...
  19. Resto Drood

    Armory zomgbalance. He and aid are the best resto druids around.
  20. Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

    Too bad death rays are frowned upon by all the good players/guilds.