All 29s looking to get games

When are the best times to actually get a fair match? I Xferred to reckoning a couple days ago and still trying to finish this guy. But every que i get its a slaughter. There is like 3 or 4 ally and 10 to 15 horde in AB. 2 or 3 ally and 8 or 10 horde in WSG. And this is after waiting like 10 minutes for the que to pop. Whats going on?
Was on last night from about 6:30 till 10:30. Yes, XP is off.

Got a few games to pop and everytime it was like 3 of us and 1000 of them... Sat there thinking "i should xfer to horde". But then i thought, that is lame as well. I mean how could it be fun for them?

Its funny how they just steam roll when the odds are like that. Why dont they try and back off a bit and just send a couple of them to get a couple of us? Make it fun somehow. The game ends in like 2 minutes tops. How is that fun? We put a lot of time and effort into our twinks. Lets make it worthwhile.

In the past this has happened on our side. Ive tried to tell people to back off a bit. "we been in the que for 45 minutes guys. Lets try and make it fun" But it was always a pug that squeeled with glee and went wild. Lame...

So maybe its just the times im on. If not, then twinking at 29 really does seem dead. Its a shame, cause after a long break from it, i was looking forward to getting back to the scene.
Wrecku, what youre describing is definately not normal. It seems that its usually alliance rolling over the horde (though its been slowly getting more balanced)
Wrecku, that is not the norm. Alli generally fair pretty well in wsg and ab both. However, I've noticed the times I've pugged without many windrunner twinks have been brutal. I hope to see an Alli guild show more of a standing outside of Detox/SS soon.

Try queing up again tonight, perhaps with Sunday 10 mans going you just got the pops between games and landed yourself in a pug v pre-made.

Also, what time zone?
Thanks for the reasuring words. I appreciate it. I wasnt on my 29 yesterday at all though :(

I did some 19's last night and it was awesome. My 19 is on Rampage. The scene there is alive and well, was getting them to pop after 4 or 5 minutes. Man, what a blast!! i havent played my 19 priest in so long he still has spellthread on his legs and the 100 HP head chant(they dont work!!) And didnt have his talent points in. Hehe...

Anyways, i didnt play my 29 cause i was a bit disappointed the other night. If what you say is true then im glad to hear it. My hunter isnt finish and im thinking about making another priest to take to 29. Seems to be a shortage of them for some reason.
horde seems to have more organized guilds, but alliance has detox...who are amazing, and a couple other guilds that are pretty good

so it's understandable to get in games that are lopsided in either favor when on alliance and horde, and also i've played my fair share of close games.
I've been lurking in these forums for a while now just to see where everyone is ending up. My wife and I loved twinking so much, but when Blizz slapped on the patch, The Scryers twinking was over. Retaliation twinking is dead as far as I can see. We had half a dozen horde twinks between us and had lots of good games over the years.

However reading about the Reckoning battlegroups gives us a glimmer of hope. From what I've read alliance needs players. So I'll think I'll twink an Alli and a Horde. Even though we are Horde players to the bone, I think to help get games going we'll roll some Allis.

I'll look for some of you in game by your guild name on Windrunner and Skywall.

I sure hope it's worth it.

See you there.
Cptheal said:
if your horde dont go to GSftl...they are falling apart

not really

we made a 2nd guild to house our better players since there were a shitload of players, many of which weren't very good
TLA4lyf said:
Ya, sorry, thats not a perfect rogue. Not bad, but not perf.

As for where to xfer to. Skywall is the best horde server and windrunner is the best alliance.

Umm. Ya offsets ftw? and ya im working to the road of prof's. Just need herb up and im done in mostly every aspect.
Reckoning really is a great place to go. I love it here.

probably going to transfer my 29 hunter to reckoning ally/dragonmaw after i pickup my agm and full boa's on my current server
nobody said:
Umm. Ya offsets ftw? and ya im working to the road of prof's. Just need herb up and im done in mostly every aspect.

No one has a perf rogue. It doesnt exist. Your rogue isnt bad, but you had a couple questionable choices, and I guarantee you dont have every offset, because no one does.

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