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  1. yay for new patch!

    Swagger ^^He's my hero... or was until 3.2 killed us all
  2. Welcome to the End 59's.

    So, I've been super busy IRL since 3.2, but I have an idea of what to do with 59's... go up a level, find a 60-capped guild, and do Vanilla raids? I'm considering it, just hurts to leave the 59 bracket... perhaps at 60 I'll go patrol HFP for some easy kills and incite some world pvp...
  3. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    Oddly enough, if anyone is having a hard time with feral, try bear form against DK's... I know most of my abilities don't hit DK's hard, but I have enough CD's, mitigation, and health to be too hard for most of them to kill me before I slowly wear them down. Btw, was thinking about the...
  4. General Quest/Rep items, special stuff

    The "Drain Schematics" quest is only obtainable after completing another quest that requires level 61 to obtain (Balance Must Be Preserved). Believe me, I camped a spawn point for a guy that drops this for almost an hour, then I spent 5 minutes doing research to find out that I could not get...
  5. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    The only issue I see with this is that you would lose on 60+ enchants on most slots. It's quite an idea, perhaps well worth it if you can afford the gear but not the enchants.
  6. Transfer

    Eralynn and Frostbiter have made the transfer, chatted with Duckhunt about getting in touch with an officer for a ginvite. If anyone sees this, feel free to hit me up on either character (probly Frostbiter to farm some heroics).
  7. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    You can't do that... NOT FAIR QQ!
  8. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    Totally throwing out strategy for criticism... when engaging... say... a Death Jerk: 1) I usually try to charge them 1st. That small stun gives me room for my next move. 2) Concussion Blow. Not only is it a good setup for 3 devastates (-20% armor and a good chance to proc sword and...
  9. DK Killing 50-59 bracket ?

    My 2 cents on this... 1v1 I can rock a DK (frost spec proves to be the most difficult with their defensive CD's), sometimes even 2v1 thanks to things like Last Stand and Shield Wall... but in all honesty, if you're not making a twink with high survivability or nuckin futz damage (or even both)...
  10. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    I contemplated one of the trinkets from the group quest in hellfire... figure I may pick up the defensive one after 3.2 (+900 health on use, then pop Last Stand and I should be over 10k). As for the Chestpiece, it was a tough call, I stuck with the easier one to get mostly because I had no...
  11. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    Gah So as it turns out, I would need quest reward bracers to get +40 stam on them... otherwise they don't count as a "Level 60 item"... despite their item level being in the 80's? Anyways, only DK's can get this enchant thanks to their starter quests.
  12. 59 Twink Prot Warrior

    Perhaps the most fun I have in pvp since DK's were first introduced and I learned how to spam CoI... I just had to find a place to share my armory link and a few screenshots with some Twink enthusiasts. Granted I'm still working on the +40 Stam to bracers enchant, and I have 2 points till my...