Evocate said:
I second this.
Here are my reasons why:
1. No battlegroup currently has a workable population of 59s.
2. Post 3.2, there has been a big influx of twinkers (myself included) to Ruin.
3. Ruin therefore has a higher than normal population of twinkers, on top of that, has many 49s.
4. The progression from to 59 makes the most sense for someone who tires of 49, or has multiple 49s and desires the challenge of twinking for a difficult bracket - and Ruin has an abundance of 49s, a perfect pool of potential 59 twinks.
Let's be honest, twinking for 59 is a challenge - grinding Zandalar rep, farming drops & turn-ins, getting raids together. While many BiS equips are outland greens, there are a lot of pre-BC epics that surpass them.
Pre 3.2, getting the grind done without levelling was more tedium than it was worth - I doubt very many people have done a full on BiS twink for 59s. Now with XP off as an option, the doors are open.
A 59 twink is both a PVE twink and a PVP twink. Classic raids, classic content, done with appropriate gear - not being run through by lvl 80s. You can twink for lvl 59 pvp as a side project of PVE twinking - just cap at 59 instead of 60. You'll get much of the gear you need as a natural result of going through that classic content.
It is my sincere hope that enough people become interested in twinking @ 59 to make it a viable bracket - the XP off feature of 3.2 should mean it's not just a dk roflstomp, as everyone in the XP off queues will have a chance at getting geared.
I've had a plan for my hunter for 59s:
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
(with leatherworking. I'm gonna rock those drums.)
I'm also twinking a <edit> GNOME </edit> DK, just because it's awesome to be jumping around swinging my sword Yoda-style as a midget. Plus 390 engineering ftw.
I'd love to get into 59s, I hope more out there become interested as well.