General Quest/Rep items, special stuff

I'm starting this post to provide a general location for info on what quest items/rep rewards are available for each armor type/faction, along with general enchant info


General enchant/special item info-

Random Dungeon Satchels!

at 59, you can only get BC satchels, which means gloves/neck. All of the necks are equal to level 58 BC greens, but with previously nonexistant suffixes (+hit!)

Gloves are again 58 greens, but as above and can take Wrath enchants!

55-58ish you can get cloak/gloves with even slightly worse (but again different and possibly useful) stats, and the cloaks are ilevel 60 so again, wrath 'chants!

Heirloom weapons can only take Pre-BC enchants *new: also can NOT take high end oils/stones!*

Blacksmith belt buckles are no longer usable ("grandfathered" ones do not work)

Blue leg armor kits are still available, and since they can be self-applied, it doesn't matter of your legs are BoP or BoE

Shoulders can take ZG rep enchants. (10stam patches are no longer appliable)

Helm can take Librams (sorry, ZG helm enchants are not; my bad)

NOTE: 10 stam patches can be applied to Engineering Goggles because they're > level 60, but have no level requirement and are not BoP.

Gnomes can use (but not craft, I believe) the 390 engy trinkets since they're BoE currently (another potential patch nerfage, since so many profession trinkets are BoP), along with crafting the cloak tinkers (flexweave underlay, etc)

Most (if not all) engineering items/tinkers have leveled engineering requirements, even if they arn't visible. In other words you can't send a tinker'd item to your too-low-engy-level twink, nor level engy, get your stuff, then drop it.



Engineering is pretty much the #1 prof. Best helms, awesome trinkets and toys.

Generally people take a gathering prof as #2-



Skinning-Master of Anatomy


First aid 400 gives access to Heavy Frostweave Bandage

I don't know of any benefits from fishing/cooking.

In terms of other primary profs, to the best of my knowledge, the rewards and/or amount of effort required to achieve them simply arn't worth it; I'd be happy to update this if someone knows otherwise.

Rep Items/sets-
I'm not going to list them all here, just mention their sets and what uses they have.

Dungeon 2 sets-MAJOR pain in the butt to get, but nifty if only for novelty. Also, all items are level 60+ as far as I can tell, thus, can take BC enchants. Generally inferior to BC options, however the ability to take Wrath enchants on bears considering. UPDATED 9-7 (all items are ilvl60+ now)

Zandalar sets-quite a lot of work as well, consist of neck+trinket+chest+wrist+belt. Seperate rep rewards of potions and shoulder chants which are awesome. Related trinkets from killing Hakkar are also pretty awesome. Of the sets, only the wrists are of real interest because BC quest rewards are available for all armor types for chest, and the belts are generally inferior to BC quest rewards/BC greens, and can't take blacksmithing buckles.

Argent Dawn-not sets, but various items that are level 60+. Also a pain in the ass to get. Gogo rep grinds!. The superior rewards are possibly worth looking at as well.

Heirloom Items- obviously handy if you can get them, I'll only point you to the resource here. The spellpower weapons may be changing in 3.1; see blog post on main page for more info.

Quest items, if no side listed available to both. Note that I am not listing item sets or Argent Dawn rewards here. Also, I AM listing some BC items that are WORSE(slightly) than their BoE equivalents, simply because it may be hard to GET the BoE items.


Head-Shadowbrim Travel Hat

Shoulder-Mantle of Magical Might

Chest-Shadowcast Tunic, Goldweave Tunic, Whispering Tunic

Wrist- n/a

Hands-(Mage/Warlock)Sandworm Skin, (Priest)Desert Bloom gloves (no BC quest gloves available; decide if the lower base stats are worth the Wrath enchants yourself)

Waist-(Horde)Fine Sash/(Alliance)Foreman's Sash

Legs-Deadly Borer Leggings/, Wanderer's Stitched Trousers

Feet-Cushy Cenarion Walkers


Head-Moonkin Headdress, Dirigible Crash Helmet, Phantasmal Headdress, Veteran's Skullcap

Shoulder-Wild Shoulderpads, Miner's Brace

Chest-Darkstorm Tunic, Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit, Sacred Feather Vest, Battle Seeker Chestguard, Raging Spirit Harness, Breastplate of Bloodthirst(pre BC)


Hands-Gordok's Gloves(pre BC), (Horde) Duskwing Gloves (pre BC)

Waist-Belt of the Moonkin, Belt of Preserved Heads (pre BC)

Legs-Flayer-Hide Leggings, Nature-Stitched Kilt

Feet-Swift Cenarion Footwear, Sure-Step Boots, Sandstorm Boots (pre BC)


Head-Helm of Affinity, Leggionaire's Studded Helm


Chest-Stormstrike Vest, Bonechewer Berserker's Vest, Aerodynamic Scaled Vest, Arcane Ringed Tunic, Scale Brand Breastplate


Hands-Handguards of Precision, Gloves of Marksmanship, Gordok's Gauntlets (pre BC)

Waist-Hearty Cenarion Cincture, Heavy Miner's Belt

Legs-Scaled Legs of Ruination, Arcane Ringed Greaves, Battle Scared Leggings

Feet-Venn'ren's Boots


Head-Underworld Helm, Invader's Greathelm, Helm of Inifite Visions

Shoulder-Jade Warrior Pauldrons, Expedition Mantle

Chest-Battlemaster's Breastplate, Breastplate of Retribution, Gilded Crimson Chestplate, Fire Scarred Breastplate, Protectorate Breastplate

Wrist- n/a

Hands-(Horde)Sunstrider's Gauntlets, Gordok's Handguards (pre BC)

Belt- n/a (pre-bc available, but worse than BC green BoE's and can't take wrath 'chants, so no point)

Legs-Flintlocke's Piloting Pants, Magistrate's Greaves, Skyfire Greaves

Feet-Expedition Footgear, Crystal Lined Greaves (pre BC)

Cloaks-Perfectly Balanced Cape, (Horde/same quest for next 2)Infiltrator's Cloak, Vindicator's Cloak, (Horde)Abyssal Shroud

Rings-Holy Healing Band, (Horde)Circle of Banishing, (Alliance)Adept's Band

Amulets-Crimson Pendant of Clarity, (Alliance/same quest for the next three)Draenethyst Chaplet, Enforcer's Chain, Finely Wrought Chain, Imbued Chain, (pre BC)Beads of Ogre Might

Trinkets-Bladefist's Breadth, Regal Protectorate, Vengeance of the Illidari, Charm of Alacrity (first 3 are either/or; same quest) The rest are pre BC trinkets; you can look them over here (way too many to list here)

2h weapons-(first three are same quest)Rage Reaver, The Staff of Twin Worlds, Agamaggen's Quill, (Horde)Rod of the Unyielding, (Horde)Rod of the Void Caller

1h weapons-(Horde)Blade of the Unyielding, Shatterstone Pick, Foe Reaver, Screaming Dagger, (offhand only)Hellfire Skiver,

Ranged weapons-Desolation Rod, Ironstar Repeater

Offhands-(Horde)Demoniac Soul Prison, Deep Core Lantern

Shields-(both are from same quest)Adamantite Kite Shield, Landslide Buckler

Note that Drain Schematics is not available to 59's; for whatever reason the drop required to start the quest will only drop (and be visible to you!) if you are on another quest that requires level 61. See the comments here. Sorry Magrim.

Also, can anyone confirm that this questline is completable? Magrim pointed it out, and while the second two in the series are listed as level 60, the first is only 59, and as my experience at 29 points out, if you can get on a questline at a certain level, you can usually complete it at that same level.
add these items: (there's one for horde too).

Belt for plate wearers (better than DK quested):

This quest item says 59, thottbot says 61 to obtain: (cloak and ring for dps caster/melee)

Thanks for putting this together, keep up the good work ;)

Also, last time I checked you can do the +10 stam kits through trade on both the shadowbrim and the shoulder in the quest I just linked.
Magrim said:
add these items: (there's one for horde too).

Belt for plate wearers (better than DK quested):

This quest item says 59, thottbot says 61 to obtain: (cloak and ring for dps caster/melee)

Thanks for putting this together, keep up the good work ;)

Also, last time I checked you can do the +10 stam kits through trade on both the shadowbrim and the shoulder in the quest I just linked.

Thanks for the info; the first threeI already know about, I just havn't gotten around to adding in yet (have to replace my modem on my home comp), I'm not sure about the bog-walker stuff (Wowhead seems to indicate level 60 only) and I believe the same for the cloak/rings you linked (wowhead comments indicate it just isn't obtainable at 59) but I'll do more web research on those. I'm not currently playing WoW so I can't test ingame :)

Thanks for confirming the patches too; stupid me, if I'd thought about it I'd have known, since I have patches on my BoP shoulders.

I'll update this more once I get my modem working and can spend more time online.
The "Drain Schematics" quest is only obtainable after completing another quest that requires level 61 to obtain (Balance Must Be Preserved). Believe me, I camped a spawn point for a guy that drops this for almost an hour, then I spent 5 minutes doing research to find out that I could not get the cloak... /doh. The one I have is nice though, very easy to get, and wrath-enchant friendly.
Sparhawk said:
Gnomes can use (but not craft, I believe) the 390 engy trinkets since they're BoE currently (another potential patch nerfage, since so many profession trinkets are BoP), along with the cloak tinkers (flexweave underlay, etc)

GNOMES has big head but small body which makes them smarter than all other classes.
Hey I got the ZG shoulders enchant on my DK but idk how to get head enchant? Anyone know how to ? o_O

Also, anyone could share a chardev for pure Stamina set up? thx
very nice post. I have every BiS item on my rogue already woohoo, but its nice to know i didnt miss anything ;)

does anyone know if post 3.2 i could transfer to ally to get a second [screaming dagger] to replace my [hellfire sciver] OH. Mutilate FTW
I think this is worthy of being sticky'ed as it very relevant and applies to all 59s.

I was looking for this info and didn't see it until the update/bump...

Pretty much every 59 needs this info (sucks that 59 BC greens can't take wrath enchants even though they are item level 80+ & I learned that the hardway)...

Thanks for the hard work.

Sparhawk, FYI I liked your SS of your 59 healadin (he looks the same as mine in bgs). Can you review my post on the 59 shockadin thread and share your wisdom/experience?
Locked said:
Hey I got the ZG shoulders enchant on my DK but idk how to get head enchant? Anyone know how to ? o_O

Also, anyone could share a chardev for pure Stamina set up? thx

Ahh, sorry, I fucked that up. ZG Helm enchants are NOT available.

Highest stam setup (excluding druid bearform and whatnot) would be a gnome, since they can use the 81 stam engineering trinkets(x2). It's fairly easy to break 11k; I can get pretty damn close right now with only 1x 45stam trinket and only partial Stamina set and not even being a tank spec.

*edit* here's an old Chardev I put together for a paladin, I guess 11k might actually be a bit hard. More stam can be obtained with 8stam/gloves and a 60stam BoE chest with 150hp, and a pure stam weapon, putting you over 11k, but that's EVERYTHING as pure stamina.
Sparhawk said:
Ahh, sorry, I fucked that up. ZG Helm enchants are NOT available.

Highest stam setup (excluding druid bearform and whatnot) would be a gnome, since they can use the 81 stam engineering trinkets(x2). It's fairly easy to break 11k; I can get pretty damn close right now with only 1x 45stam trinket and only partial Stamina set and not even being a tank spec.

*edit* here's an old Chardev I put together for a paladin, I guess 11k might actually be a bit hard. More stam can be obtained with 8stam/gloves and a 60stam BoE chest with 150hp, and a pure stam weapon, putting you over 11k, but that's EVERYTHING as pure stamina.

character planner . protadin . chardev seven

Ok thanks a lot. My DK is a gnome with 390 Enginering.
since when is that called dungeon 2
back in the day we called it .5 or 1.5, kids these days!

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