59 Twink Prot Warrior

Perhaps the most fun I have in pvp since DK's were first introduced and I learned how to spam CoI... I just had to find a place to share my armory link and a few screenshots with some Twink enthusiasts. Granted I'm still working on the +40 Stam to bracers enchant, and I have 2 points till my Defense skill is capped, but already I'm a force to be reckoned with (even vs. well-twinked DK's).


The first screenshot is a record shield slam so far, crit some poor mage:


Next is 2 shots (one of the combat log and the other of recount) showing a 3k crit revenge on a Twink DK (I believe his belt my have malfunctioned):



And his armory link for kicks:


Any thoughts on all of this? In all honesty, it was so simple that I was able to do everything without any prearranged or paid for help. Anyways, looking forward to the replies.

So as it turns out, I would need quest reward bracers to get +40 stam on them... otherwise they don't count as a "Level 60 item"... despite their item level being in the 80's?

Anyways, only DK's can get this enchant thanks to their starter quests.
There probably is a chain quest starting in the outlands or something that you could slap these on. It just requires a bunch of reserch :)
Hey Era, GG's earlier. I just rerolled on the Shadowburn BG, so I don't recognize any names, but I try to pick out other warriors.


That's my work in progress with no main or gold :)

As for the bracer dilemma, you're going to go for the Zandalar stuff. Once the patch comes out, you shouldn't have any problems finding runs or even old school raids going on. You're also going to want a set of 3.

I've drawn a blank.......

anyway gg's earlier see you on the field!


edit: I would change 18 stam on your shield to 15 block rating. 3% more block vs 180hp. This DK infested bracket is all melee now, so it's a wise decision. Also:

[item]Battlemaster's Breastplate[/item]

[item]Perfectly Balanced Cape[/item]

[item]Bladefist's Breadth[/item]

(There's a gazillion other badass quest trinkets, so I won't list them)

Engineering goggles......uh...

Crap I've drawn another blank .....
I contemplated one of the trinkets from the group quest in hellfire... figure I may pick up the defensive one after 3.2 (+900 health on use, then pop Last Stand and I should be over 10k).

As for the Chestpiece, it was a tough call, I stuck with the easier one to get mostly because I had no help from 80's or friends, so I was worried I would run out of XP and end being a 60 who loses at AV all the time.

The 3% block is a damn good idea, I'll be looking into that really soon (still broke from 22 agi to cloak). The only thing that hurts is that the 18 stam on shield puts me over 7k unbuffed rather than being just shy of it, but the extra block would more than make up for it.

Also, GG back at ya, most people have yet to figure out how to handle a prot warrior, and I use my charges almost every time they're up (making it hard for a DK to CoI spam and kite me), but I'm slacking on using disarm and you got me with that a few times (smashing revenge and devastate saying "WTF!!").

Can't wait for 3.2, hopefully this bracket survives in our battlegroup... if not, may have to transfer elsewhere. Which brings me to asking if anyone knows if Hierloom items transfer with a character? I assume so, but it's a valid concern to think about transfering and losing some of your gear.
Eralynn said:
I contemplated one of the trinkets from the group quest in hellfire... figure I may pick up the defensive one after 3.2 (+900 health on use, then pop Last Stand and I should be over 10k).

As for the Chestpiece, it was a tough call, I stuck with the easier one to get mostly because I had no help from 80's or friends, so I was worried I would run out of XP and end being a 60 who loses at AV all the time.

The 3% block is a damn good idea, I'll be looking into that really soon (still broke from 22 agi to cloak). The only thing that hurts is that the 18 stam on shield puts me over 7k unbuffed rather than being just shy of it, but the extra block would more than make up for it.

Also, GG back at ya, most people have yet to figure out how to handle a prot warrior, and I use my charges almost every time they're up (making it hard for a DK to CoI spam and kite me), but I'm slacking on using disarm and you got me with that a few times (smashing revenge and devastate saying "WTF!!").

Can't wait for 3.2, hopefully this bracket survives in our battlegroup... if not, may have to transfer elsewhere. Which brings me to asking if anyone knows if Hierloom items transfer with a character? I assume so, but it's a valid concern to think about transfering and losing some of your gear.

Ahh... yeah I linked the wrong trinket :) You should definitely look into all the quest trinkets from various parts of Azeroth. Nifty Stopwatch comes to mind....uhh....there's one from the rarespawn mob in arathi that stuns people for 3 seconds.....

I understand on the xp thing, as I did everything pretty much solo, as well. I got lucky in stumbling into this guild from our BG forums, and some of them have been more than helpful :) (THANKS HOLY!!) As soon as 3.2 hits I'll be finishing up, buying Wrath on both my accts., and leveling Eng and my 2.5k hp 59 Boomkin o_O

Yeah the 18 stam would be better against casters and I would probably go with an 'of stamina' shield to throw it on. I hope they come out with more wrath shield enchants soon, maybe a higher block rating for 60+ (that would be awesome). When fighting melee, avoidance/mitigation > stamina to an extent. With that said, I just realized that [item]Adamantite Weapon Chain[/item] is going to be my weapon enchant :) I was thinking Lifeward, but I haven't looked into weapon enchants much, yet o_O

Haha, yeah disarm is key! Dismantle really pisses me off lol! I can't block!! WTH! lol.....Just kite when you get disarmed and it should be fine.

Heirlooms will xfer as long as you have them on the toon you are xferring. And yeah, I'm worried about the patch, as well. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get another game... We might have to make a poll just like the 39 thread to see which BG is the most active and xfer there. Only time will tell o_O
Totally throwing out strategy for criticism... when engaging... say... a Death Jerk:

1) I usually try to charge them 1st. That small stun gives me room for my next move.

2) Concussion Blow. Not only is it a good setup for 3 devastates (-20% armor and a good chance to proc sword and board), but if they have a ghoul, it will usually offset the ghoul stun.

3) Shield Bash + Shield Block + Shield Slam. All in one, gotta love macros. Usually makes for a big shield slam, and leads to some blocked attacks while silencing those jerks (and I wonder why they all gang up on me).

4) Blocked attacks lead to Revenge. Pray for the stun proc. If not, at least pray for a crit.

5) Disarm. Hilarious.

6) This is usually when they start to CoI kite me (being disarmed, they have no other option)... charge/intercept puts an end to that, sometimes another shield bash just to slow them down.

7) As soon as certain cooldowns are up (concussion blow, shield block), rinse + repeat.

Any thoughts? For the most part, I've been hardpressed to find a Death Jerk who can really put a hurting on me, but most of them aren't actually twinked...

BTW Fez, if you see Spiderr in a bg, tell him he's cool in my book and we should hang out above the tunnel again sometime. And tell them to stop turtling, it makes it take forever for us to win. SHEESH.
I think I've stumbled upon something that we can both use to our advantage against casters and melee alike.

More to come.........
Eralynn said:
You can't do that... NOT FAIR QQ!

Ok so geez man it took me a long time to figure this out.

If I go all 'of the champion' gear with only the outlands quest shield and sword, I will gain 5% block and 5% parry. I will reduce my chance to be hit and critically hit by 5%. My dodge will stay the same. I will lose 5% crit. (I can make up about 2% of that from a 25 crit/hit weapon enchant)

STR stays the same.

With resilience pots and enchants I get another 2.5% reduction in chance to be critically hit. I reduce the damage of crits by 2.5%. I didn't factor dot's cuz thats about to change.

I didn't factor in armor count, but I'd imagine it would stay roughly the same.

I'll actually gain about 300 more hp.

All percentages are rounded from Decimals. (you should see all these freakin notes I've got, geeeez man!)

With all that being said, I think it will probably take a looong time to gather all the gear from the AH (outlands plate pieces are going anywhere from 75g-150g on my server) with no main to farm gold ><

I didn't use any 'of defense' gear because you would lose waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many stats for it to even be remotely viable.

Any thoughts? I didn't use any trinkets or health scrolls or anything. There is no resilience gear that we can use at 59, but that would be sweet to have!

My brain hurts ><

Edit: oh yeah, these are based off of my current armory.

The only issue I see with this is that you would lose on 60+ enchants on most slots. It's quite an idea, perhaps well worth it if you can afford the gear but not the enchants.
It's a thought; I was actually planning on trying out Prot on my paladin once I get a full set of Champion gear together (currently have about 4-5 Darkcrest Champion pieces), mostly just for kicks. I'm not sure about shield enchants; it's debatable for pallies, with Judgement of Light being changed to scale with HP, and with 18stam scaling up with talents/spells (BoK/BoSanc) to more like 22.5 stam, it's pretty decent (plus we convert stam to SP, sooo)

One of the better (well, I suppose it's debatable since there's only like 2) warriors in my BG is a Arms/Prot hybrid, although he's only like 12 points up Prot, he likes the utility he gets.

Also, Treehugger must be a common 59 druid twink name. We've got one in my battlegroup too, although he's more often Resto(feral dualspec I believe)
Sparhawk said:
like 12 points up Prot, he likes the utility he gets.

Also, Treehugger must be a common 59 druid twink name. We've got one in my battlegroup too, although he's more often Resto(feral dualspec I believe)


Feral is to gimped for 59 tbch, you need ArP to kill shit mangle hits DK's for 700s -.-.
Oddly enough, if anyone is having a hard time with feral, try bear form against DK's... I know most of my abilities don't hit DK's hard, but I have enough CD's, mitigation, and health to be too hard for most of them to kill me before I slowly wear them down.

Btw, was thinking about the preservation of our bracket... I'd toss 10g to horde dk's on my server if it meant we had games. Just a thought.
lcsvince said:
lOl more now, shield slam is getting nerfed.

No one in the 59 bracket is anywhere near the damage cap.

Era - it was fun playin against you, but welcome to the death of 59s.

DL'ing the patch now, gonna see how much XP we get for capping flags :mad:
Here is my 59 warrior, but atm, there are no bgs that even have an estimate time to pop, and currently considering if 69s will be viable for pvp.


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