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  1. Armory not updating twinks?

    Is anyone else having a problem with the armory not updating their twinks? My lock still has engy goggles on in the armory even though I got the fishing hat weeks ago, also it doesnt show my AGMs or my 225 mining. Weird thing is my 80 is updated almost daily...anyone else noticing anything...
  2. EU [WTB][Silvermoon] 2 items

    "I bought a bad dagger in the 19 bracket for 20-30g and resold it for 150g 3 times, so I assumed that 150g would be enough for one of the rarest and most sought after items in the 29 bracket" Love the logic
  3. WTB 49 Twink Gear

    ive got a rib of power among other things
  4. US WTS Some Uncommon Gear

    have offers on the SFBM and the vendetta
  5. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    by the power of greyskull, i end this stupid thread
  6. US WTS Some Uncommon Gear

    items still for sale
  7. Please help... What to choose?!?

    shamans have the tactical advantage of being able to purge, which is a big deal. also shammies have earthbind totem, another tactical advantage
  8. Breaking 3k HP thihi.

    go get someone to run ZG and turn in the heart to get the zone the spirit of zandalar buff, thatll put u over 3500 =P
  9. rogue enchant/talent question

    yeah the talent doesnt bring your offhand up to having no penalty at all, it's 10% of what it's originally at with the penalty (50%), so each point is 5% more offhand dmg. it's explained above too
  10. Breaking 3k HP thihi.

    with higher rank fort/mark and kings it's not THAT hard, but grats go run some flags =D
  11. Kiting Controls

    ive been developing a similar system, where instead of rolling your face across the keyboard to own as a hunter, you can roll your ass across the keyboard, which allows you to itch your face instead. i know myself along with many others have gotten that faceroll itch that you just cant scratch...
  12. rogue enchant/talent question

    not unless you're mutilate, which you obviously cant be at 19
  13. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    to summarize this thread in one sentance: ppl are arguing over dumb stuff
  14. Do you have an 80 main?

    bump to continue getting votes, so far the results are interesting
  15. US WTS Some Uncommon Gear

    because a monkey or eagle or stam fake lens would make the exploiter a lot more money because those are a lot more desirable? kinda common sense
  16. Warlocks vs. Hunters

    meh i dont die that often, maybe against like 3 hunters or something. But i have a lot of HP, lifeblood + demon armor (makes the 720 hot into an 860 hot), AGM and sacrifice
  17. US WTS Some Uncommon Gear

    well thats disappointing, but atleast i didnt break the bank buying it
  18. US WTS Some Uncommon Gear

    yeah theres a chance it might be fake, im DLing the PTR and im gonna equip it to see if it gets the stats or not. I got suspicious when id never seen one before, but I thought that if someone was gonna make a fake lens, why would they make it of the boar? so ill let everyone know if the...
  19. Kiting Controls

    facerolling applies more to DKs, but i can see it working for hunters too
  20. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    I got a shadowforge bushmaster for 50g, a scroll of enchant boots - boar's speed (back in BC) for 15g and resold it for 1500, and a few other tidbits that I cant remember