US WTS Some Uncommon Gear


WTS Some Uncommon Gear

I decided that now was as good a time as ever to try and empty my storehouse of whatever twink items ive been able to collect and see if anyone is interested. Some pieces are fairly everyday, while others are pretty rare. Note that I am not considering transfering servers under any circumstance (Nesingwary).

Items of Note:

Shadowforge Bushmaster

Mantle of Thieves

Brainlash (not a particularly good ring, but very rare)

Legguards of the Vault

Green Lens of the Boar (on a seperate server)


Scrolls of Enchant Chest - Greater Stats (+4)

Other Items:

Basilisk Hide Pants

Troll's Bane Leggings

Watchman's Pauldrons

Unearthed Bands of the Eagle/Monkey/Nature's Wrath (hehe)

Executioner's Cleaver

Mindseye Circle

Doomforged Straightedge

Opulent Leggings of Fiery Wrath (+33)

Ribsplitter of the Bear

Taking offers on pieces individually or combined with others if anyone is interested.
wat stats do your green lens give?

I am very interested in buying your Green lens, Shadowforge Bushmaster, and Leggaurds of vault.

Ill give you 5k for all 3?
the lens of the boar is 10 stamina 18 str and 18 spirit. as far as i can tell it's the only one of its kind
Locked said:
It's fake, it wont give you any stats.

yeah theres a chance it might be fake, im DLing the PTR and im gonna equip it to see if it gets the stats or not. I got suspicious when id never seen one before, but I thought that if someone was gonna make a fake lens, why would they make it of the boar?

so ill let everyone know if the lens is real or not asap
Chaos said:
yeah theres a chance it might be fake...

Sorry my friend, they are fake. You can check for yourself though. Highest these things can go are 10/16/16. I bought some bugged .."of the Tiger's" not too long ago. I put in a ticket and blizz refunded me.
well thats disappointing, but atleast i didnt break the bank buying it
Chaos said:
but I thought that if someone was gonna make a fake lens, why would they make it of the boar?

iaccidentallytwink said:

because a monkey or eagle or stam fake lens would make the exploiter a lot more money because those are a lot more desirable? kinda common sense
items still for sale
have offers on the SFBM and the vendetta

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