Search results

  1. Best horde hunter race?

    Hey, I am considering faction changing my hunter over to horde. Just wanting to get some opinions as to what race would be the best... I'm currently leaning toward tauren for that 5% hp bonus, but i donno, BEs have some nifty racials as well. Please post some replies here for what race you...
  2. 29 Paladin (Stam/SP set)?

    nice chardev setup. I'm completely new to the 29 bracket so I have no idea if this stam stacking + spell power will be any good, but my plan was to be able to have alot of stamina in order to survive the nukes that rogues and other heavy damage classes will deal to me while still being able to...
  3. 29 Paladin (Stam/SP set)?

    Hey everyone, I have been twinking at 19 for around 4 years now and have finally decided to make the jump to the 29 bracket. Pretty much what I am looking foris an up to date guide on a stam set for a FC pally (I have access to BoAs:)). Also with this stam set for FC I have decided to enchat...
  4. US Brutal Assault WTB 19 Twinking Gear!!!

    my bad... ;)
  5. Buying (lvl 19) Twink Items - (In Bulk).

    US. My current location is Firetree (PvP) - Alliance. I am willing to xfer if you've got what I'm looking for!
  6. US Brutal Assault WTB 19 Twinking Gear!!!

    waiting for you to log on. Im interested.
  7. Buying (lvl 19) Twink Items - (In Bulk).

    Title pretty much says it all, I'm looking to buy mass ammounts of 19 Twink items, I will pay well but looking for a bulk discount to go along with the purchse. I am willing to transfer to you if you have the ammount (and quality) items I am looking for, such as shadowfang(s) Assassin's...
  8. Today was a good day

    I also got my hat AND boots (i know i can't use boots >.>) after my first 14 casts. 13th cast i got boots and the very next cast i got my hat. I guess miracles do happen...
  9. Hybrid Paladin?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a good set of gear that can provide a paladin with enough melee power (str/agi/AP) and spell power to be able to pump out a sufficient amount of damage to defeat other twinks 1v1 and maybe even 2v1, but also provide enough Spell Power to be able to keep up with...
  10. WTS SoJ

    Looking to sell Staff of Jordan. You will have to transfer to me. I'm on Firetree (ally side). post offers here. Thanks
  11. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    Got my TBJ. Thank you to all who were willing to sell. :)
  12. Queue Times

    Hey just got a quick question one queue times. I currently play on Reckoning battlegroup which is absolutely dead (has no twinks, or very few) and queue times are sitting at around 20 minutes... I'm looking to transfer to a battlegroup with many active twinks and short queue times. Anyone...
  13. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    Alright I made a character on your server, wanna hop online and we can maybe figure something out?
  14. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    I would love to pick that thing up for 400-500g but it would take 25$ to transfer there then a month to transfer back +25$ (I think it takes a month to transfer back, not sure)... Unless... what battlegroup are you on? I might make your server my new home =)
  15. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    yeah apparently a few of the mobs in there have a 0.1% chance to drop it, but im a veryt impatient person haha
  16. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    cuz that would be like 50 doallrs + the gold in order to get the TBJ and get back to my server, so I'm kinda on the fence about transfering
  17. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    yikes, i dunno, how much do you want?
  18. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    Not sure, to transfer a character costs 25$ right?
  19. WTB Tree Bark Jacket

    Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking to buy a Tree Bark Jacket, my server is Firetree (alliance side). I might be willing to transfer servers to pick one up if the price is right =). Reply to this post if you've got one for sale or hit me up in game. My characters: Mylo - Buk - Dreadz -...
  20. @10's, luv.

    What exactly is 3.2 going to do that is going to make such a significant different? It seems that everyone is so eager for it (at least people with lvl 10 twinks)