@10's, luv.


Everybody who are going to be making 10's, if you have not had one i just wanted to let you know that terribad 19's will grief you all to hell. The best way to deal with them is to just be better. I am only writing this as my IRL GF got all kinds of hell from 2 19 rogues today who were just awful. I am still learning stuff about twinking and the like, but i have learned that gear and chants DO NOT make you a good twink. thank you all for always being so helpful. /hugs
Gear and chants so not make you a good twink, they make you a better twink, there is no denieng

what do you not get? I am more then happy to explain.
I has a level ten rogue waiting for 3.2 :3 currently twinkied out with 51% dodge and 50% crit >w< 3.2 please hurry! <3~
10s arent even worth it anymore considering you cant get 100% crit or dodge.

Just go 19...

edit: can no longer make a haste twink either, well, worthwhile one that is
Please point out level ten twink's flaws, its like 19's dont have any either :rolleyes:, I like having 51% dodge and 50% crit. Can't wait for 3.2 though, I should push 65%~ for both.
What exactly is 3.2 going to do that is going to make such a significant different? It seems that everyone is so eager for it (at least people with lvl 10 twinks)
level 10s were only viable when you could get 100% spell crit with double fiery.

Or when you could get 100% dodge

Sorry, Pre-WOTLK, I had 96% dodge on a nelf rogue, I don't need 100%. Just because you can not get 100% dodge / crit anymore doesn't mean you still can't twink a character at level 10. You still get an advantage over 19's with higher dodge / crit ratings, but you lack the health. On my troll rogue at the moment, he has 768 health, 51% dodge / 50% crit, and I over power most 19 rogues that I encounter 1v1...


Turning off EXP for PvE and PvP turns off ALL EXP, period. Level 19's now can turn off exp and get items from quests that they normally couldn't get with out dinging! This is the same for level 10's!
Mylo5 said:
What exactly is 3.2 going to do that is going to make such a significant different? It seems that everyone is so eager for it (at least people with lvl 10 twinks)

As canihascookie said :) Normally a level 10 rogue would do the huge Wingblade quest, which is ~6k rep if you don't get any exploration xp, and no xp from killing shit, there is only 7400 xp in the level 10-11 zone. Being able to turn off xp will open up soo much more gear, from huge chains that would normally ding you 10-15 or so xD
TBH, i only started playing post TBC, so i really do not have any ground to speak of when it comes to the "glory days" of twinking, all i know is i have fun playing my 10's. I am also working on a lvl 74 UD rogue. I guess i like the underdogs. :)
He is currently 73, i think i am gonna park him at 74 for awhile and beat the heck out of 79s. :)
I love doing that on my rogue - but he's only 71 (but he's in full t6 with a warglaive and some sweet raiding daggers - yay for being in an awesome raiding guild :D)
my pally had 50% block 54% dodge and 49% parry + sheild spike

:D so i didnt need 100% crit or 100% dodge :3

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