Search results

  1. 19lvl paladin, dps or heal?

    Paladins get FOL at level 12 So they could be good as healer. With some new mail items and shields that give int/crit and stam. Alot of armor and fast healing....
  2. Fears FFS

    Full geared BOA, blues and enchants in prot stance... 20% crit + 10-15% on thunder and heroic strike. With 2 healing spells available as a dreanei and 10% spelldmg reduction and interupt... Get glyphs, increase charge range and reduce rage cost of thunderclap Charge, hamstring, rend...
  3. no twink 19 rogue listed in the 10-19s bracket

    I used to fear rogues in the old days.. now its just free honor...
  4. The "Good ol' Days"

    Pre TBC twinking was fun. You had to put efforts in it. Librams and some quest gear and honored/revered gears was hard to obtain. so twinking was someting you couldn't do in just a few days. It could take several weeks before your twink was completed. And it felt so rewarding! I...
  5. EU Hordes, COMON!

    Could swap into a horde warrior but then I love my racials tooo much +1% hit and 200+ healing a tick (@29) is just way to good to go horde side...
  6. 29 -Ergos - Prot Warr - EU Silvermoon I tried to balance stamina stre and crit. For now I succeed very wel. Wil try to get higer stam without destroying crit and str. As on my server twinking is dead...where to go for 29 activity (EU)? Would like to...
  7. 29 Holy Pally

    Very nice geared indeed. Would love to have you as my healer :) Would love to try out your char :D Would love to duel you :p Dont have any real twinks on my server... My love goes to paladins and warriors above all. Gtz Ergos 29 warrior Silvermoon EU
  8. What would you do...

    All other classes suck against my warrior... since new patch my dps is insane... critting revenge for almost 1k... I have good survival against all melee classes... casters dont seem to be around alot these days... Shieldwall, last stand, gift of naaru, soon my arena trincket... makes me...
  9. Twinking is dead. Don't bother.

    It s simple... Remove the seperated bg's... but allow turned off xp... Most ppl run in boa gears and random dungeon rewards so the gab between a twinked and boa geared isnt that much... Twinks are not game breaking anymore in bg's...
  10. More Twinks to Cyclone

    Count me in ! Ergos - Silvermoon EU Lvl 29 - warrior (90% twinked) Protection spec. offense/defence since latest patch. Revenge crit for 700-900 dmg :p Largest till now (no beserker 926) Thunderclap crit for 250dmg Heroic crit around 200-300dmg +-25% crit (1750HP up to...
  11. Rogue or warrior?

    Warrior - Protection geared and specced. In WSG and AB its best in my opinion. Its good survival and defensive aswel as offensive. Revenge is very nice dmg dealing ability. Combined with heroic strike and thunterclap you can put out good burst. Combined with good str / crit and stam...
  12. Best weapon set up for 29 warrior

    Protection warrior = pownage Insane dmg for prot spec. revenge crits up to 500+ and because of all those pets and minions hitting you its active alot :) Very nice survivability... Most hunters can be beaten. Unless you have these wtf@lolcr*p#!! hunters who are like uncatchable...
  13. BiS blocking shield?

    I rlly need ppl to duel against. My server is just crippled for twinking... I have warrior 19 tankspec and can't test it against other twinks ;o So frustrating The World of Warcraft Armory - Ergos @ Silvermoon - Profile (still grinding arena badges for trincket)
  14. Silvermoon - EU - Need some help

    Hi all I always loved melee classes and as a result I twinked my 3th warrior. Lets face it, stats to abtain dmg and crit have been in favor for melee units alot more then casters. I used to play a twinked paladin pre TBC called ergo and it RULED :) I have been in love with level 19...
  15. stats changes in catalysm...

    As a 19 warrior twink i ask myself. * Block value is no more... if you block you block 30% of dmg...(low?) This is a big nerf for me as i now block 64 dmg unbuffed. With shield block and crusader on this goes upto 200... So i block 100% dmg... So i feel nerfed... Parry now does reduce...
  16. Battleworn Thrash Blade

    Hi all, I started twinking again like 2 weeks ago and geared up a warrior. Been getting some BOA items and instance gear. With board and swoard I hit 1081hp, 350AP(bs buffed) and 20% crit. (225/225 skinning) Armory Still have some work to do (neck, +9stre bracers and 7stre...
  17. Warrior lvl70

    stupid? Its no seperated brackets at 70 so you join in on the 70-79 So prolly you die alot... ?
  18. Best Warrior+Healer combo?

    Shaman 7 enhancement / 23 restoration (18% crit on heals) Watershield (+-100 mana restore on hit) or on crit heals tidal force (60% crit heal) Nature's Swiftness (instant heal) Totems (stoneclaw shield glyph ftw) Purge lol / interupt lol almost no CD instant ghostwolf...
  19. Boa item @ 39 and enchants

    A friend told me that boa items are level 1 items so you can't put on level 35+ enchants once you are 35. Is that correct? So i can only put +30spell on it and not +40spell?
  20. 29 MM hunter?

    NO HUNTER PLX !!! Yesterday a 1770 Hp 29 hunter just killed me in less then 3seconds everytime even including my 424 shield and 2 lesser healingwaves for 800 hp... This ain't fun anymore... I can do NOTHING against those hunters. They crit every shot between 300 - 400 dmg and my healing...