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  1. <AP Twinks> your new home!

    thanks everyone!
  2. <AP Twinks> your new home!

    sooo it looks like AP Twinks and RBBC are both level 20 guilds? is that 20 only or 20 and 29 accepted?
  3. <AP Twinks> your new home!

    are you guys looking for any particular classes/specs? haven't really decided what i want to play yet! oh and are you guys 20 only or vets only or anything like that?
  4. <AP Twinks> your new home!

    Hello everyone, AP still recruiting? I don't really need funding or power leveling as I can create/transfer characters on my own but I'm looking for an active place to play. Don't necessarily need 10v10s, even queuing with a couple is people at a time is okay. Currently have a 29 warrior and...
  5. 29 Rogue BiS?

    is there a definitive answer on weaps for combat rogues? you can't dual wield BoA thrash blades. 1x thrash and dagger in OH? just 2x sword/mace 1hs? 1h sword/mace and thrash oh? i'm thinking with two elemental force enchants thrash/boa dagger might be best? or is the thrash proc not worth it...
  6. new 29 twink

    fire mages can be fun but are pretty hard to play solo. you're also pretty reliant on RNG for crits. my fire mage sits at about 38% crit unbuffed. alliance side in the last few days (prime time est) i've noticed pretty short 2v2 queues (less than 3ish minutes) and random BG queues about 8...
  7. Has Patch 6.1 made you enjoy this game more?

  8. Building a computer

    i think the combo is fine. i might lean towards going with the other set up if you're planning on using the build for as long as possible. OCing will allow you to get a little more juice out of the tail end of the processors life though you won't need it now. that should still run wow fine and...
  9. Building a computer

    in addition to what willix posted, pcpartpicker has some solid guides for various levels of gaming. Build Guides - PCPartPicker full towers are generally overkill, especially if you're not going for a top of the line build. extra cooling systems are also not really needed if you don't plan on...
  10. Jokezyzbroke Vet Arms Warrior

    i don't know if the other stats are the same as stam but stam doesn't matter when scaling: ah, i see. i didn't know vet accounts wouldn't be playable if you were over level 20. thanks!
  11. Jokezyzbroke Vet Arms Warrior

    what are the benefits of staying 20 if you're on a vet account with enchants and BoAs?
  12. Enchants for Heirlooms

    I use the Altoholic mod because, well, I'm an altoholic. Lets you search your bags, bank, and gbank across all characters on all realms. You just have to log in to populate it like the heirloom tab.
  13. RAF and twinking with the new Veteran accounts

    right. right. but in order to get the mount you need to pay for time. upon googling it more if you apply a time card that counts as instantaneous but if you get a subscription it waits until it's actually billed (would be after my free month). then you wait the 7 days for their anti-fraud...
  14. RAF and twinking with the new Veteran accounts

    Anyone test any of this out yet? I mostly want the mount but not exactly sure how it works. Since I got a free 30 days, will I have to wait for that to run out, charge 30 days, wait for that, and charge another 30 days? Or can I buy two game cards (from the online store) and get the mount now...
  15. Blast from the past, ~9 year old twink.

    Appreciate it guys but I have a new 29 warr properly geared on my home server now. I just like logging in and getting all nostalgic sometimes!
  16. One Sided said to the other guy...ok ok, i'm excused. i'm still working on my 20-29 trash talk.
  17. One Sided

    good thing this is the 20-29 forum. you're excused.
  18. Blast from the past, ~9 year old twink.

    haha nah, most of the items aren't even close to BiS anymore. just funny to see a relic of the past. level 29 (okay, 30...rub it in) with libram enchants and old school pvp title. figured some here might enjoy it.
  19. Blast from the past, ~9 year old twink.

    Pwninyoface @ Smolderthorn - Community - World of Warcraft I of course also have Corpsemaker with crusader! I logged in to this guy in post-cata org and ran outside to look for duels and boom, explored durotar leveled me! This is my only char on this server, I rolled to play with the guild...
  20. One Sided

    Playing 29 warr and mage alliance side. Games last night were a bit rough indeed. I would be open to transferring at least one of my toons if a guild starts up somewhere.