I'm putting the finishing touches on command center UI. It has seriously bogged down my FPS. I could play at 33-35, but now it's 24-26 with drops to 20 in mid fights.
I'm using a 2010 laptop that wasn't meant for gaming. While it has a 2gb video card, the heat sink just can't pull it's weight.
So fellow twinks, I need some advice on where I can start looking to build a gaming computer on a budget. I want to pick up parts on the cheap over the next 3 months, hopefully striking on deals that are 15-25% off. I have the monitor and SSD.
willix cuz he seems to have helped people in the past with this.
I'm using a 2010 laptop that wasn't meant for gaming. While it has a 2gb video card, the heat sink just can't pull it's weight.
So fellow twinks, I need some advice on where I can start looking to build a gaming computer on a budget. I want to pick up parts on the cheap over the next 3 months, hopefully striking on deals that are 15-25% off. I have the monitor and SSD.
willix cuz he seems to have helped people in the past with this.