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  1. Check this out, pretty cool.

    shut up triple post...
  2. Check this out, pretty cool.

    st5op posting on this sittte nbody knws who u are bitch
  3. Check this out, pretty cool.

    fuck you drayner
  4. Check this out, pretty cool.

    ' ' ' ' 8=============================================d '...
  5. Check this out, pretty cool.

    i fucking hate this fucking webstie adn I'm sick and fed up witth all yourt shit drayner and fr4nds. go fuckking take your shitty mods to a different website theyre ALL fucked up. Bragh go fuck urself :0- bitch bragh of bragh you love to ban you need tyo get a fucking tan you...
  6. 19 Warrior Professions

    Expect to fight something like this-, stats arent accurate, just gear.
  7. 19 Warrior Professions

    My friend Brad is giving me his decked out Mannoroth warrior to duel you, but he needs some pieces of gear like rog boa shoulders, and soldier cloak, and 70 arm chant. Should be able to duel you if I can grab those. Also, prepare to get smacked, you wont wanna be posting any of the vids lol.
  8. 19 Warrior Professions

    Son, I've NEVER used ANY consumables in WSG, and I do fine as it is. You need some duels next week?
  9. 19 Warrior Professions

    I tried it a long time ago. I liked it, I admit, but seeing as I do mostly arenas/pug WSG I rock skinning. It wouldn't be bad for you, though.
  10. 19 Warrior Professions

    Cooldown on JC totem? Also, engy is best for the gulch, but wont serve you ANYTHING in arena; whereas skinning will always be there for you. It's basically a choice between pure WSG or WSG/Arena.
  11. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    There's 1 thing that I have to show you, and I guarantee it will make you better...PM inc.
  12. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    Well, if I'm even near on the right track, diminishing returns= when you stack more and more of something like armor, it isn't as useful. This is the same with some CC spells e.g. cyclone, the more you cast it, the less it will effect them. Something along those lines.
  13. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    ATTT doesn't require a threshold, it's simply 36 armor=1 AP. Also, is the mitigation BEFORE diminishing returns?
  14. Hiatus

    u know i can handle da rogue crilly...hit me up if ur interestedd
  15. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    I asked a question requiring math, not personal opinion. I expect an answer involving math, not personal opinion. If you want an explanation for this, PM me, or hit me up in-game.
  16. chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants

    If I could get the maths on this that would be great...
  17. Warrior Changes - 3.3.3

    This is gonna be fun.
  18. Dumb Question

    How come I see 19s running around as skeletons? I though Noggenfogger req'd lvl 35...
  19. New Warrior Last Revision (H-19)

    i hate crusader alot.................................................
  20. New Warrior Last Revision (H-19)

    Build more like me.