chausess of westfall v.s. smelting pants


Staying in a Guild where the Guild Leader gave a Shadowfang to help out > CoWs or Smelting
I asked a question requiring math, not personal opinion. I expect an answer involving math, not personal opinion. If you want an explanation for this, PM me, or hit me up in-game.
Would depend on your current ap and crit lvls, however 11str is most likely better than 7crit rating from a dmg PoV. From a surv PoV it depends whether you prefer block value and armour or stamina.
Chausses of Westfall

189 armor (+16)

11+ str = 22 AP, 1.57 Base DPS up, 5.5 Block value

5+ sta = 50HP

Smelting Pants

92 armor (+16)

116 armor (+40)

8+ sta = 80HP

7 crit rate= 2.35% crit

I still need to learn my math a little further for comparison.

My opinion, I prefer Chausses of Westfall for block and high AP.
well since revenge is getting buffed on 3.3.3 quite a bit and it requires block/dodge/parry it would seem only rational to use Chausses and warriors have around 20% crit anyway.

Adding to Notoriusthf 's post, Chausses do have 97 more armor which with Armored to the Teeth translates to roughly 2,7 ap, meaning they have even higher AP and Base DPS up
Novascotia said:
I asked a question requiring math, not personal opinion. I expect an answer involving math, not personal opinion. If you want an explanation for this, PM me, or hit me up in-game.

Maybe you can explain it to me then as you haven't answered my PM's and I gave you the Shadowfang.
maybe you shouldn't hand out shadowfangs like that.

and keep personal shit out of the forums no one cares.

Westfall legs>smelting pants.
Frosty said:
maybe you shouldn't hand out shadowfangs like that.

and keep personal shit out of the forums no one cares.

Westfall legs>smelting pants.

Well, I don't "hand them out like that" I knew John for over 3 months and he helped me plan the guild.

Also, perhaps you are new to the twink forums, we all get into "personal shit" here.

Welcome to Ruin 19s.
Subutex said:
well since revenge is getting buffed on 3.3.3 quite a bit and it requires block/dodge/parry it would seem only rational to use Chausses and warriors have around 20% crit anyway.

Adding to Notoriusthf 's post, Chausses do have 97 more armor which with Armored to the Teeth traslates to roughly 2,7 ap, meaning they have even higher AP and Base DPS up

Chausses of Westfall

189 armor (+16) = 8.05% migitation

11+ str = 22 AP, 1.57 Base DPS up, 5.5 Block value

3/3 AttT=6+ AP, +.43 Base DPS up

5+ sta = 50HP

Smelting Pants

92 armor (+16) = 4.09% migitation

116 armor (+40) = 5.1% migitation

+16 and +40 (both offer same)

3/3 AttT = 3AP, .21 Base DPS up

8+ sta = 80HP

7 crit rate= 2.35% crit

Good so far?
notoriousthf said:
Chausses of Westfall

189 armor (+16) = 8.05% migitation

11+ str = 22 AP, 1.57 Base DPS up, 5.5 Block value

3/3 AttT=6+ AP, +.43 Base DPS up

5+ sta = 50HP

Smelting Pants

92 armor (+16) = 4.09% migitation

116 armor (+40) = 5.1% migitation

+16 and +40 (both offer same)

3/3 AttT = 3AP, .21 Base DPS up

8+ sta = 80HP

7 crit rate= 2.35% crit

Good so far?

Is this adding in the additional armor on Smelting Pants due to Armored to the Teeth=more damage?
Yea. Since it has 108 fits into 116 armor once, it offers 3 AP. If there's 100 more armor among the other ones,then it's 6 AP.

I miscalculated the +16 kit, it shouldn't have the 3AP since it only has 92 armor. It will if it adds up to any other extra armor from other ones.
notoriousthf said:
Yea. Since it has 108 fits into 116 armor once, it offers 3 AP. If there's 100 more armor among the other ones,then it's 6 AP.

I miscalculated the +16 kit, it shouldn't have the 3AP since it only has 92 armor. It will if it adds up to any other extra armor from other ones.

Hm ok this adds a wrinkle to it then, since you can put +16 armor on the CoW and you can put +40 armor on the smelting pants, can we add that to the math?
It's already added.

Made another miscalculation.

Both CoW+16 and Smelting+40 should give:

3/3 AttT = 3AP, .21 Base DPS up.

If there's enough extra armor from other armor parts:

3/3 AttT=6+ AP, +.43 Base DPS up (100+ armor for smelting, 27+ for CoW)

Like I said, I'm still working on my math. Haven't done math since I took Trig.
notoriousthf said:
Chausses of Westfall

189 armor (+16) = 8.05% migitation

11+ str = 22 AP, 1.57 Base DPS up, 5.5 Block value

3/3 AttT=6+ AP, +.43 Base DPS up

5+ sta = 50HP

Smelting Pants

92 armor (+16) = 4.09% migitation

116 armor (+40) = 5.1% migitation

+16 and +40 (both offer same)

3/3 AttT = 3AP, .21 Base DPS up

8+ sta = 80HP

7 crit rate= 2.35% crit

Good so far?

ATTT doesn't require a threshold, it's simply 36 armor=1 AP. Also, is the mitigation BEFORE diminishing returns?
Well, if I'm even near on the right track, diminishing returns=

when you stack more and more of something like armor, it isn't as useful. This is the same with some CC spells e.g. cyclone,

the more you cast it, the less it will effect them.

Something along those lines.
Novascotia said:
Well, if I'm even near on the right track, diminishing returns=

when you stack more and more of something like armor, it isn't as useful. This is the same with some CC spells e.g. cyclone,

the more you cast it, the less it will effect them.

Something along those lines.

John I need help with my warrior, do you still have some game time to duel me a couple times tomorrow night so that I can learn some basic tricks from you?
Well, if I'm even near on the right track, diminishing returns=

when you stack more and more of something like armor, it isn't as useful. This is the same with some CC spells e.g. cyclone,

the more you cast it, the less it will effect them.

Something along those lines.

Diminishing returns on armor works like this:

(Numbers made up obviously)

Initially, 10 armor gives 0.1% mitigation for example. The more mitigation you get, the more armor required to keep increasing the mitigation.

For example, after the first 10 armor, you need 11 armor to get the next 0.1%. Pretty sure that's how it works, same as doge for example.
Wuv123 said:
John I need help with my warrior, do you still have some game time to duel me a couple times tomorrow night so that I can learn some basic tricks from you?

There's 1 thing that I have to show you, and I guarantee it will make you better...PM inc.

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