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  1. daltondro62

    20-29s Armory List

    Thanks! Vaxyo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. daltondro62

    20-29s Armory List

    Are there no haste boots? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. daltondro62

    20-29s Armory List

    Think I'm gonna try it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. daltondro62

    20-29s Armory List

    Does full haste work pretty good? Like how do you do in bgs on leaderboards? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. daltondro62

    Making a 70

    Is warlock any good in PvP? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. daltondro62

    New to 60s

    I have been playing in 20-29 for a few years, but wanting to roll a 60. Can anyone like rank all the classes/specs? I need to know what I want to stay away from. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. daltondro62

    Any big changes in the bracket in the last month?

    Been out of wow for a month. Any big buffs or debuffs?
  8. daltondro62

    Best resto shaman FC

    Anyone know the best ones? Or any tips Also what would be best talents?
  9. daltondro62

    20-29s Armory List

    Any Stam resto shamans? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. daltondro62

    Rolling a sham fc

    What do you mean why? badmit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. daltondro62

    Rolling a sham fc

    What are all the best Stam chants mainly for chest shoulders and legs. Also shoulders and helm are the only boas that aren't best for Stam right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. daltondro62

    Dignified Headmaster' s Charge

    I have a friend that wants to roll priest. He doesn't have the mace or book boa, but he has headmaster's Charge. What would be best? And if its not the staff, which weapons?
  13. daltondro62

    29 disc priest Any tips? I know I need glowing magical bracelets.
  14. daltondro62

    Best weapon enchant for healers?

    Does anyone know what tree bark jacket scales to? Or black velvet robe?
  15. daltondro62

    Best weapon enchant for healers?

    Looking for biggest heals possible
  16. daltondro62

    Best weapon enchant for healers?

    I play a disc priest and I'm curious to know what's best for weapon.
  17. daltondro62

    Not new to twinks but new to twinks healers Any tips?
  18. daltondro62

    29 disc

    Thanks a lot man! Eddie
  19. daltondro62

    29 disc

    Would enchant weapon - healing power be good ? Says enchants melee weapon to increase sp by 29