Search results

  1. Free ogre pinata for 19s only.

    i'm going to guess 42. (but the pattern i noticed also makes it seem like 71 should be 81, so i don't know)
  2. 24's Come to Emerald Dream!

    <3 ED twinking. thinking about coming back, or maybe starting a F2P, and seeing what it's like.
  3. Pizza streaming WSG pugs!

    i don't think i'll be coming back, but i miss 19's very much and it was fun to watch a bit of the games. thanks for the stream pizza.
  4. Emerald Dream PVP - US

    are you horde or alliance on ED? (nvm, i see you said alliance) i'm on alliance ED and always trying to find more 19's. i'd like to get a 19 community on alliance side again, but shit ain't easy. ps. i miss those second coming guys T_T. edit: feel free to /w me on Hitherepals, Confuciussay...
  5. 19 enhancement shaman video.

    lawlz, for real. the question is, why?
  6. 19 enhancement shaman video.

    lawlz, doesn't sound (by which i mean read) like rvrstar tbh.
  7. 19 enhancement shaman video.

    rvrstar = good, wholesome fun. wish he was making more videos.
  8. #1 warlock poll

    :smug: peter aerts sig = unexpected, and awesome
  9. #1 warlock poll

    hey, that's my name!
  10. Blizz Employee Twashbags (Unlucky)

    yeah it used to be pretty easy to get quest rewards exchanged, but the last 3 or 4 times i've tried i've been denied.
  11. Quality of life?

    lawlz, or just l2 faction change over to horde. seems like a popular solution, and it's certainly easier than trying to balance out the bracket.
  12. Quality of life?

    i agree. it isn't often that i get in games like that as alliance, but when they do come along they are severely boring. what he said. although some of the boring, dominant games i've been in have been in those kinds of 7-man premade games.
  13. My "FC" Warrior

    ofc, i remember lolpzlate very well (and endlessfate as well obviously). i think you were the first hunter that i saw with int enchants back when that was cool, at least that's how i remember you anyway. i also thought your name was "lolzplate" for ages. and i don't remember if you were in...
  14. My "FC" Warrior

    i was in some game you were in, good to see another geared FC on alliance. ps. lawlz, don't faction change imo.
  15. Õre's Guild Search

    lawlz, jesus christ. i, for one, am glad to hear it. hope you find a guild, and look forward to seeing you on alliance.
  16. Enhancement shaman

    i was thinking about that last night, actually. i assume AGI is better, but i'd like to try out crusader for fun.
  17. promoting this bracket

    yeah, it's a pain in the ass for sure. i just goof around and hope the next game is better, not much more you can do i guess. but faction changing off of alliance won't make the bracket any better, though obviously i can understand the temptation. queueing alliance builds character.
  18. promoting this bracket

    yes, it's pretty much always like that. and obviously, do whatever you like, but the problem is good players thinking "man this is unbalanced, alliance sucks" and faction changing to horde, making it even more unbalanced. stick it out, get more people to make 19's, and try to even things out imo.
  19. Community Introduction: Wholemilk

    lawlz, don't let her get away with poor technique. i agree.
  20. Community Introduction: Wholemilk

    it's educational, now you know a fundamental technique of jiu-jitsu.