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  1. Please help me on this

    Racials: Every man for himself > escape artist Humans have perception, Sword/mace spec, diplomacy (if you want that sort of thing on your twink) Gnomes have Eng and arcane resistance. my vote is on the human.
  2. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    wouldnt that give you 40% crit and dodge against another level 10 though? wouldnt basic defence knock that back down to normal? or does it work different in PvP then PvE. In PvE mobs that are higher level then you have a +8% chance to be missed vs 5% for an even level mob. wouldnt a player...
  3. Lvl 9 & 20 in WSG ?

    Thats messed up. gotta try it sometime.
  4. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    I see these posts for level 10 twinks, my question is why? is there a BG you can get into at 10? is it for arena? is it competitive? I also see the posts for level 1 twinks and basicly have the same question.
  5. Alliance 29 Warrior Guide - Reposted for Nacon

    are the leggings listed still the best now that you cant put the armor kits on them or are there better options that are BoP? I generally prefer to go after BoP items as I find them generally easier and cheaper to get. (though i would love to use BOE and a kit if we still could of course)
  6. Twink Skinning Guide : 1 to 450

    You're doing it wrong then. you are probably trying to right click to skin it. you need to use the skinning ability possibly need to macro it (thats what I did). you can also do this with herbalism (as long as you have skinning too). Gather 5-6 skinable mobs around the node. kill and loot them...
  7. New druid

    just reacently got back into twinking as a 19 rogue by mistake (saw the guys in SW for BG weekend and queued up at level 16 and owned so I had my guildies run me though a few instances.) anyway I would like to get into it in a more real sence and I think this could be an oppertunity for me. I've...