Please help me on this

Sorry guys if i keep asking, i just want to know some stuffs.anyways i just want to ask this. human rogue twink(19) vs gnome rogue twink(19) which one has better stats and skills ? please explain why.:confused:

I think you have to look at the base stats, a human and a gnome with the exact same gear. but you lso have to not just look at stats. A human can have AGMx2 while a gnome will use 1 imo. I would go human.
if you want to put in some extra effort, humans can get 2 AGMs without gimping yourself (every man for himself), but gnomes get +15 engineering. I don't know if there are any especially valuable items in 150-165 eng, but maybe there are.

Human if you want to put the work of 2 AGMs into it
Croe said:
Correct me if im wrong but does expertise matter in pvp?

Yes it does. I'm not sure if it scales for pvp or anything, but it is taken into account. That's why some rogues go for 3/5 fang for the expertise
Croe said:
Correct me if im wrong but does expertise matter in pvp?

I'm not sure what you're asking. If you're wondering if expertise works in pvp, the answer is yes.

Every man for himself > escape artist

Humans have perception, Sword/mace spec, diplomacy (if you want that sort of thing on your twink)

Gnomes have Eng and arcane resistance.

my vote is on the human.

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