Alliance 29 Warrior Guide - Reposted for Nacon


In the process of merging his two threads, I deleted them both. Reposting for him now.

Want to play the most challanging 29 twink?

If you rolled an Alliance 29 warrior, you got it.


This is me! I'm an all out DPS kind of guy, that's my strategy and that's what influenced my choice of gear and weapons. I was originally Fury spec. but a recent purchase changed all that. (See EQS below) I'm not a "survival nut"

- Survival nuts are people who go crazy trying to add the most health to their twinks, so they don't die.

More on that later. Here are my ideas on how not to die.

1. Armor and Lord of the (Deadman's) Rings


An odd place to start? Yes, but, it's the place you will really want to start with any 29 twink. Because this may take some time, and you might as well get XP.

To start with, I'll say I'm a neat freak... I like all my items blue, with 1 exception Deadman's Hand this is a must for any twink at 29. +10 STA and the one of the best spells you can get in the game on a ring. However, it can be a bitch to get. Arcanist Doan (SM Library) does not give it up easy. I'm at 30 runs and counting (I was already 29 so I need to use the no XP trick, which can be found in the forums) and still no shiny epic. I have seen a few Rogues and one Warrior with it and talked to them, it's a big help, especially when trying to get behind people for that extra chance to crit. And it's an epic... need I say more.

Then you have a choice, between the Thunderbrow Ring for STR, which is a random drop so you'll need to buy from AH, and the Protector's Band, a PVP reward from the Silverwing Sentinels Quatermaster for balanced STR, STA and AGI, which is a relatively easy to get PVP reward.

Alternatively, you can use both Thunderbrow's Ring and Protector's Band if you're too lazy/unfortunate to not have Deadman's Hand.


The Arena Grand Master is by far the most potent anti-death device known to Warrior-kind, and is the most difficult to get unless you have a massive guild of high level people to support you. This can be obtained from Short John Mithril at the Gurubashi Arena, in exchange for winning the Arena Trinket 12 times, these appear in a chest at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00 server time, in a PVP ring in front of Short John Mithril. (You will probably even get killed at 3am and 6am, but I've got 7 so far from waiting patiently for no-one else to show up)

Insignia of the Alliance Available from a Mr. Biggins in Stormwind for 2805 Honor Points, and unless you're a Gnome with Escape Artist or a Human with Every Man for Himself, you are going to need this. It removes 1 movement hindering effect. This is re-usable, unlike the engineering version, Minor Recombobulator which destroyed after 10 uses, but restores 150 health... one for the "survival nut"


There is something to be said for getting Raptor Hunter's Tunic from Nesingwary's expedition in STV, (from this quest chain

As for getting lvl 35+ items, for the chest I think the gains (TBC enchants give an extra 50hp on chests, or an extra +2 stats) aren't worth it. However this is the way to go if you want maximum health. I prefer STR and will (when I can find it, as it's a very rare world drop) get Avenger's Armor but a good replacement is Shining Silver Breastplate which is what I use now and can be made by any blacksmith with the recipe.

The choice will depend on your strategy, although survivability isn't a warrior's strong suit at 29 IMO.

The other real choice for Alliance is Fire Hardened Hauberk, which is a quest reward from a chain again, for the survival nuts, and a great spell, unfortunaly it's a once in a BG thing, but I reccomend getting it anyway and having in your inventory just in case a patch brings the cooldown to a more respectable time. - Alternatively, if you're savvy enough make a macro to use the spell, and replace this with the armor of your choice before running into a big battle... 30 free rage can't be bad? Works a treat.


The worst point of contention for any Warrior. The main choices are - Sunblaize Coif (SC) World drop - Frostreaver Crown (FC) World Drop

and - Tusken Helm (TH) Overlord Ramtusk -

Most of the time the arguement is between FC and TH, and most Warriors I know go with FC, and it is a huge health boost, especially with +100 HP, but again, I went for TH with +8 STR, because I'm DPS, however, (on my server) I'm seeing more and more Fire Mages, and the SC looks more and more appealing. Like the chest though, this is down to whether you want survivability or DPS.

However, if you're in a Battleground full of Rogues there's also Catsete Ultra goggles - if you chose to be an engineer, make a pair of these and put 100HP on them if you can afford more than 1 Arcanum. I keep one set up in a macro to switch with my helm when I know Rogues are around. Scares the crap out of them when the see me running straight for them.


Pretty simple. River Pride Choker

or Sentinel's Medallion

IMO Warriors should always go for the Choker, but the Medallion gives a nice AGI and STA bonus. For once, I agree with the survival nuts - River Pride Choker.


2 Choices here. Tigerstrike Mantle with + 3 agility enchant. I like the fact that you get 7 STA, and 11 AGI. My choice. Expensive on AH though. Parachute Cloak is another option for the engineer. Can be enchanted with +12 AGI. really useful for getting around from high places in Arathi Basin. And free if you can farm the mats.

LEGS Dreamsinger Leggards

or Phalanx Leggings of the Bear 9STR/9STA

I personally like to have as many stats piled on as I can, and I think the + 5 SPR is worth losing the 1 STA and STR, as that tiny bit of health regen has probably saved me quite a bit.

Either way I reccomend Nethercleft Leg Armor from AH, as I believe the extra 400 health and 12 AGI outways the benefits of 50AP and 12 crit (which you get from the 12 AGI anyway) from Nethercobra Leg Armor and I'm a DPS guy!


3 Choices here - - War rider's Bracers (WR)- Quest reward - Yorgen Bracers (YB)- Rare world drop

or - Pugilist's Bracers (PB) - VERY rare world drop

As a DPS guy, I can see the benefits of getting all three, personally I will be getting PB, if I can ever find them in the meantime though I have YB, for the STR, but I have to much XP for the quest to get WR, so that's out for me, but WR would be my personal choice if I could go back. +4 Stats is a great option, and would be my choice, but then there is also +9 STR, and +9 STA, again, this is down to your style. I went with YB with +9 STR in the end, but I will get PB one day, and then I'll put +9 STR on it. :). DPS FTW!


For me there's only 1 choice with +7 STA, they offer a speed boost, which is what makes them better than anything else at this level, and they have a wide ranging stat bonus.

But for those survival nuts... with Boar's Speed - I actually think it would be a good option, a bonus of 210 Health and the speed boost is worth the loss of armor, I've never tested this though, I will try though, in the meantime anyone who's done this with a Warrior at 29 feel free to message me and I'll amend the guide.



The PVP reward is easy and cheap, and in essence offers the same reward as the Girdle, as the defence rating with probably save you about 50 health in a single fight.

And what you've all been waiting for...

WEAPONS! best twink Warrior weapon money can't buy, as it's simple to get from a quest chain (though you will probably need help with the final fight) - this will be controvertial, but -


(You'll spend your life replying to w/ WTF mongoose how?)

That's what I did, from the moment I got this weapon, until 8 days later when I finally found an enchanter with Mongoose, I worked on getting mongoose, and what did Mongoose do... well, nothing really, yes, it speeds up your attack a tiny bit, but if you're DW with CoFS you're attacking with at with the Crescent of Forlorn Spirits every 1.6 seconds you need to know the haste is a percentage... works out to increase the speed of CoFS by around 0.09 of a second... and the crits are nothing to write home about. A warrior should go for +20 STR or Crusader, but Crusader doesn't proc very often either. +20 STR is the way to go for consistant DPS.

If you're desperate for Mongoose action then get it will impove your crits and haste a lot more. But that's all I'll say on Mongoose and this sword.


Crescent of Forlorn Spirits (CoFS) is a must, I reccomend in off hand with a high dmage weapon in Main hand, but you can do lots of things, depends on your prefence and build, here, in order of DPS are what you might want... - Ok, so it has the best DPS but terrible stat bonus, only for show offs IMO. - 2nd highest DPS of any 1h besides CoFS, not only that but a +7 STR bonus... my personal favourite. - Great stats and DPS, good for the main hand, using Mocking Blow and HS can cause a lot of Damage early in a fight. Easy to get PVP reward. - More of a Rogue weapon but DW with 2 weapons that hit every 1.7 seconds... The choice if you're going do all kinds of fiddely math to prove that Crusader will proc. more often if you hit 6 million times per minute. Easy PVP reward. - A little slow but hits hard, and nice stat bonuses. Good for the main hand if you like maces. - Nice spell, proc's quite often, and it's good for the player not wanting to spend to much, as it's quite cheap, no stats though, and it works in a funny way with lifestealing! - That's right... 8th... 7 other weapons can do more DPS, and yet I still see some Warriors with these in BOTH hands. While that may look cool, there is no other arguement going for it. This in your main hand for high damage with instant strikes is ok with CoFS in off hand, I could understand, people try to tell me it's good for STA, but Looming Gavel has more STA, and has a higher DPS (but doesn't look as nice), go figure. - A funky weapon, with a funky spell, works in conjunction with sunder armor, and the fastest 1H money can buy. (I used this at first as it was so cheap, with Crusader and it really gained my respect by not making me wait nearly 3 seconds to hit people!) - Ok weapon, nice stats, but low DPS good for messing around with, put fiery on it and use it when you're 2-0 up in WSG. - Bearded Boneaxe Remix... for those survival nuts who want +10 extra health.

2H Weapons

There is one choice and one choice only for 2H weapons a 29 now, not CM (, and not TPLA ( Don't question me until you've tried it... you'll never look at CM or TPLA again... I bought mine for 90G, but if you expect to get it that cheap, think again...

It has "hidden" damage (2-182, as far as I can figure), if you look at my profile right now, you'll see my white DMG goes up to 284, and that's unbuffed... With Battleshout that goes over 300, and believe it or not, I have critted for +700 on a 29 mage and killed her in one shot. (WSG)

As if that wasn't enough.... The rend ticks are enormous.

Each time rend does damage on someone, on Nacon it's at least 130, and it goes all the way up to 192, so far. That means out of the 5 ticks, it can do nearly 1000 damage. I've already spent most battlegrounds doing this - Charge, Hamstring, Rend, Mocking blow, if it hasn't already hit... (Which can be for up to 700) and then attack the next person, because in 10 seconds, while they move slowly towards you, you KNOW the first will be near dead by the time they reach you and you can finish them off.

Forget CM, forget TPLA...


Before anyone says anything... I spoke to GM, there are no plans to nerf this weapon, and Blizzard knows exactly what it does. Other people have experienced similar things if you read about.

*lol, however, if they do nerf it, I'll come back and do a CM vs. TPLA review*

EXTRA KIT - +150 health, can be bought in OLD HILLSABRAD, in the Caverns of Time, or on AH if someone decides to be "kind" enough and sell it for more than they paid for it at the Auction House (AH). or scroll of Stamina, often in the AH if you look. regenerates health, can be made or bought. if you're an engineer, get these, they stun and do Warrior AoE... truly awesome. When you're getting ganked it can give you enough time to figure out which one is weakest and fear the rest. you can't make them, but you sure can use them. Get your main to make them, or buy from AH. get these... get a lot of these, you'll need them.


Engineering is the by far the most popular profession for all twinks and maxed out it offers some great gizmo's and the ability to use bombs, IMO a must.

Skinning or Mining?

Skinning can offer a bonus to crit, mining to health.

(I wish they wouln't nerf it as I went for mining and got +70 STA)

- again, decide whether you are a survival nut or DPS machine.

There we go, I'm done for now folks, but if you think I missed anything, send me a PM.
<font color="#0068FF">Stonefist Girdle</font> (Alleys only) is the best belt out there imo:

234 Armor

+6 Strength

+5 Stamina

(Take special note of the amount of armor)


<font color="#0068FF">Sparkleshell Mantle</font>

BOE Mail

161 Armor

+4 Agility

+10 Stamina

Requires Level 24

Best mail piece in the bracket until possibly this new thing.

<font color="#0068FF">Azure Shoulderguards</font>

Binds when picked up

Shoulder Mail

151 Armor

Durability 65 / 65

Requires Level 20

Obtained from deck of swords. And has these random bonuses:

...of Power (15.0% chance)

+20 Attack Power

...of the Battle (22.2% chance)

+7 Strength, +4 Stamina, +3 Critical Strike Rating

...of the Bear (20.0% chance)

+6 Strength, +6 Stamina


...of the Soldier (26.1% chance)

+5 Strength, +5 Stamina, +5 Critical Strike Rating


...of the Tiger (16.7% chance)

+6 Agility, +6 Strength

+5 crit rating I believe is about 1% crit rating, pretty sick.

Watchman Pauldrons

BoE Leather

80 Armor

+3 Strength

+4 Agility

+11 Stamina

Requires Level 27

Item Level 32

Leather but highest sta and most stats overall.

<font color="#0068FF">Forest Tracker Epaulets</font>

Binds when equipped

Shoulder Leather

78 Armor

+5 Strength

+11 Agility

Durability 60 / 60

Requires Level 26

Dps nuts out there.

Guardian elixir:

Elixir of Fortitude

Requires Level 25

Use: Increases the player's maximum health by 120 for 1 hour. Guardian Elixir.

Also nothing for prot so here are some shields.

<font color="#0068FF">Marbled Buckler</font>(can't get Stone Girdle)

775 Armor

17 Block

+5 Strength

+5 Agility

+5 Stamina

+5 Spirit

Item Level 36
(So it can be level 35+ enchanted, +18 stam, 15 block rating, 18 block value,or 12 resilience)

<font color="#0068FF">Resplendent Guardian</font>, probably the most common, I'm sure the extra block value is nice.

680 Armor

14 Block

+7 Stamina

Durability 100 / 100

Requires Level 26

Equip: Increases your block rating by 5 (2.0% at 31).

<font color="#0068FF">Heart of Agamaggan</font>, Sta stackers.

776 Armor

17 Block

+7 Stamina

+8 Spirit

Requires Lvl 27

<font color="#0068FF">Thermaplugg"s Central Core</font>, probably what I wish I had instead of Heart of Agamaggan but that's because I'm trying to level too.

795 Armor

18 Block

+3 Spirit

Requires Level 28

Equip: When struck in combat has a 5% chance of inflicting 35 to 65 Nature damage to the attacker.


+10 block rating, +7 stam, and quite possibly the wrath shield spike Titanium Shield Spike +45-67 block damage (on block)

With improved shield block the spike would pawn rogues hard.


Cobalt Crusher:

Two-Hand Mace

74 - 111 Damage Speed 3.20

+5 - 5 Frost Damage

(30.5 dps)

Requires Level 29

Chance on hit: Blasts a target for 110 to 120 Frost damage.

I guess it's a good idea to link multiple weapons because people may look to try and stack racials that give expertise with a specific kind of weapon.
this is a rediculous guide, very good.. i was gonna get CM but now that i look at it, TPLA look soooo much better. 32dps? omg.

and since this is 3.1..maybe Panther Hunter Leggings? it is leather but more stats thn phalanx of the bear
are the leggings listed still the best now that you cant put the armor kits on them or are there better options that are BoP? I generally prefer to go after BoP items as I find them generally easier and cheaper to get. (though i would love to use BOE and a kit if we still could of course)
I noticed there were no recommendations for gloves so I found a couple of options:

Looks like a popular pick is [ITEM]Razzeric's Racing Grips[/ITEM] and getting +15 Str on them.

The second option are the [ITEM]Tiger Hunter Gloves[/ITEM] again with the +15 Str enchant.

There is also a +15 Hit Rating Enchant available for both.

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