Twink Skinning Guide : 1 to 450


i'm going to try this zangarmar spot sounds awesome!

i also have a few skinning suggestions

i have run about 8 twinks through skinning most with xp complications(too close to lvling)

i start here

1. out side org and in the barrens - almost everyone has this discovered

2.go to WC - great for horde or allies have your escort as the leader go in clear the top half with the raptors loot and then u come in and skin

works wonders

3. most of my twinks have splintertree post in ashenvale discovered due to going to the wsg vendor south of it. this unfortunately won't work as well for allies.

right to the west of splintertree there is a small glade with around 12 deers and wolves in it. They respawn about every 5 mins so it's easy to farm.

4. on to stv - here i just go up and down the coast and then to the above mentioned place by the arena.

5. now i go to feralas - the yeti cave south of dire maul is i believe one discovery maybe two tops. Tons and tons of yeti's good to 375 AND there are sometimes mithril iron and truesilver in here, yeh :D

6. then i go to thrallmar get them to 310 skinning using low lvl boars i.e. under lvl 61. Then to the thorn patch a bit south and west of falcons watch.

here there are lvl 61,62,63 mobs. these will get u to 375 no problem

7. I HAVE YET TO TRY THIS though i believe it'll work very well.

i will post coords and edit this post accordingly in a short while. for a 1 discovery in nortrend (to be edited)
can anyone confirm this still works?(the training skinning part, had no trouble with the actual skinning). decided to make a new 19 twink and figured i would level skinning and found that the level restrictions are still up.

is there something i'm missing maybe?

edit: just to clarify the max skinning i get is 225
I can tell you that i still works - just did it today. Took 5 min to get from 1-75 with close to 0 xp gain :) thanks!

Btw - i think i saw a method where you can do the same thing with Herbelism, but i just cant find it anywhere. will someone be so kind to post it form me ?
It should be noted that this "method" of leveling skinning no longer exists. Upon skinning a corpse the product of that skinning is transferred to the loot window and can only be looted at that point - it cannot be re-skinned if left.

This guide should be edited or removed.
You're doing it wrong then. you are probably trying to right click to skin it. you need to use the skinning ability possibly need to macro it (thats what I did). you can also do this with herbalism (as long as you have skinning too). Gather 5-6 skinable mobs around the node. kill and loot them. TURN OFF AUTO LOOT. skin them without taking the skin, pick the herb without taking the herb, skin them again without taking the skin. I did this for 5 skillups this past weekend before someone came by and picked the herb(skinning was already maxxed for them so I cant confirm 100% that you get the skill up from reskinning). I would have kept going but couldnt with other herbilists in the area :mad:
Cheehh said:
crit n stm is the best for any twink :)

at 19 at least herbalism far out classes mining and skinning, its just too powerful. The crit stam and engineering all take a step forward, crit tend to be better for melee and hunters but i would not recommend it to any caster. Also engineering is a viable choice for any class.

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