How do people avoid TW queue bug?


New Member
I see boosters claiming to be able to get people from 70 -> 80 within 40 min via TWW. Everytime i've farmed time walking dungeons on my twink druid i always get locked to atleast a 5 minute queue even if you queue up with the full party you cleared the dungeon with. The only way i can see people boosting someone from 70 to 80 within that timeframe would be if they could bypass that (unintentional or not) queue timer. Is there a way?
there are alot of videos, posts, and directions on other sites, youtube, etc. you may want to look or ask there
I see boosters claiming to be able to get people from 70 -> 80 within 40 min via TWW. Everytime i've farmed time walking dungeons on my twink druid i always get locked to atleast a 5 minute queue even if you queue up with the full party you cleared the dungeon with. The only way i can see people boosting someone from 70 to 80 within that timeframe would be if they could bypass that (unintentional or not) queue timer. Is there a way?
It's not a bug. It's intentional. Blizzard adds 1-4 minutes roughly if anyone is XP-locked. Even if you queue as a full group it'll say "2/3 DPS" if you hover over the finder icon.

How do you avoid it? You don't queue with anyone XP-locked. There are two options for this currently:
  1. Use a level 20 twink on a F2P/Vet account. You are max level for that type of account. No need to XP lock;
  2. Use a level 70 twink on a paid non-TWW account for the same reasons: you are effectively max level. Ideally, you have a set of the Bismuth Lockbox gear (now removed) so you can be ilvl ~545 at level 70.
By far the best option is a level 70 twink.

You can also logout and reset a dungeon to rerun it. Some dungeons are incredibly quick to run. This, I believe, was the basis of powerlevelling in DF: Brackenhide Hollow.
the way around it if you are 5 stacked, the solution would be 'do tw dungeon, tp out of dungeon to the unlock xp guy, unluck ur xp, queue for tw with an instant queue, enter new tw dungeon, tp out of tw dungeon, lock xp, tp back in, clear and redo'.
It's not a bug. It's intentional. Blizzard adds 1-4 minutes roughly if anyone is XP-locked. Even if you queue as a full group it'll say "2/3 DPS" if you hover over the finder icon.

How do you avoid it? You don't queue with anyone XP-locked. There are two options for this currently:
  1. Use a level 20 twink on a F2P/Vet account. You are max level for that type of account. No need to XP lock;
  2. Use a level 70 twink on a paid non-TWW account for the same reasons: you are effectively max level. Ideally, you have a set of the Bismuth Lockbox gear (now removed) so you can be ilvl ~545 at level 70.
By far the best option is a level 70 twink.

You can also logout and reset a dungeon to rerun it. Some dungeons are incredibly quick to run. This, I believe, was the basis of powerlevelling in DF: Brackenhide Hollow.
So the bismuth lockbox gear got nerfed? so that isn't an option no more? So, 70 twink is best but if its removed, for forks who didn't cash in, whats the next best thing... level 20's are very weak now with the TWW nerf, again if you didn't case in. The XP off buff is so annoying as I have loads of level 10 and 11's twinks in TWW gear pre nerf. GRR
the way around it if you are 5 stacked, the solution would be 'do tw dungeon, tp out of dungeon to the unlock xp guy, unluck ur xp, queue for tw with an instant queue, enter new tw dungeon, tp out of tw dungeon, lock xp, tp back in, clear and redo'.
The XP debuff still allows through yea? Just good for instant queues?
a couple minutes between runs isnt the end of the world, guys. Do some pushups. Go to the restroom. Reflect on the endless depths of the uncaring and unknowing void of the universe as it consumes all life and renders even the concept of time an illusion the human brain cant content with. Go grab a snack.

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