Search results

  1. 2nd best holy pally boots

    where are those boots?
  2. The Best Healer Class?

    holy paladin?
  3. best class total damage and total heal?

    why is the holypaladin better than the priest?
  4. [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide i dont have net on sundays. dont ask why, and i love the one eye black patch. makes me feel like barbossa.
  5. [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide Same question. Rephrased. How much do I lose if I take the eyepatch instead of the shield?
  6. Questions & Answers

    sorrry, for not giving all the data. yes, i am f2p
  7. Questions & Answers

    first destruction, i mean shadow priest, and then holy priest.
  8. Questions & Answers

    I have a question, please... I played a mage, arcane, i found her some nice clothes but that was it, and after that I tried a priest, actually 2 priests, but I`m still unhappy. Are warlocks more tough, they die less often than mages and priests in arathi basin battleground? Because I am so tired...
  9. EU+US Level 20 Resources

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index I have 2 questions. I did play for 2 or 3 weeks, as arcane mage, and the PVP is unplayable. I doubt that if/when i get all the gear that i still have to get , like those gray armour and those arena ... , I doubt the situation will change...
  10. Level 20 Resources (F2P)

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index I have 2 questions. I did play for 2 or 3 weeks, as arcane mage, and the PVP is unplayable. I doubt that if/when i get all the gear that i still have to get , like those gray armour and those arena ... , I doubt the situation will change...
  11. Worst PUG groups.

    I dont like the abbreviations
  12. Rate my tink mage

    i thought it is the „intellect” but now i think it is the „hit” - what matters more. and in the same line... is it the health or is it the armor what matters more?
  13. Rate my tink mage

    what is more important, intellect, hit rate, critical rate, stamina...?
  14. New Pre-made Team

    yes, indeed
  15. Highest level you have beaten as a twink/biggest level difference?

    I never beated anybody. However I can beat 2 beasts about level 25, I think. 5 levels it is enough for me. A spider and some woman in silverpine forest. the place i like most.
  16. New Pre-made Team

    dont get me wrong, but is there any point in playing the free edition? I played the arathi bg lots of times, without any sattisfaction.