2nd best holy pally boots

depends if you want int aswell and if you're willing sacrifice armor goeing with leather boots.
You can get those boots in less than a day if you know your chests.

I got Silver Linked Footguards like 8 times , it isnt hard to get tho

Is this Thottbot/bad wowhead now? Heavily disagreeing with both of you.

Saying 'I got X item in Y amount of kills/chest loots so it must be Z% dropchance' is retarded and not how probability and dropchance works - nvm, depending on how you define 'not hard/easy to get' yes, it doesn't take a lot of effort killing stuff or whatever, but with RNG playing the one and only role (RNG defines if the chest is even up and what it contains...) it could take 500 chests till you get SLF or only 1 if you're lucky, but that doesn't make it not hard or easy to get as far as my understanding of that saying goes.
[MENTION=19857]Caldalt[/MENTION], depending on your preference of armor/stam/int/crit etc goes, Savage Trodders offer the highest pure stam and armor, Corpse Rompers offer highest int/stam combination at the loss of armor while Sandals of Sacrifice offer medium armor (leather) together with int/stam/spirit. All 3 items are obtainable in dungeons (Savage Trodders drop in WC off the 3rd last boss - Lord Serpentis - and Corpse Rompers in Stocks from Hogger, while Sandals are from the quest chain in SFK respectively) and should be fairly easy to get without ninjas or other people out for it.
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Is this Thottbot/bad wowhead now? Heavily disagreeing with both of you.

Saying 'I got X item in Y amount of kills/chest loots so it must be Z% dropchance' is retarded and not how probability and dropchance works - nvm, depending on how you define 'not hard/easy to get' yes, it doesn't take a lot of effort killing stuff or whatever, but with RNG playing the one and only role (RNG defines if the chest is even up and what it contains...) it could take 500 chests till you get SLF or only 1 if you're lucky, but that doesn't make it not hard or easy to get as far as my understanding of that saying goes.
[MENTION=19857]Caldalt[/MENTION], depending on your preference of armor/stam/int/crit etc goes, Savage Trodders offer the highest pure stam and armor, Corpse Rompers offer highest int/stam combination at the loss of armor while Sandals of Sacrifice offer medium armor (leather) together with int/stam/spirit. All 3 items are obtainable in dungeons (Savage Trodders drop in WC off the 3rd last boss - Lord Serpentis - and Corpse Rompers in Stocks from Hogger, while Sandals are from the quest chain in SFK respectively) and should be fairly easy to get without ninjas or other people out for it.

To be honest i jsut saw this and didnt have what to do and pressed something :p !
Fujin0 thank you because that's probably the best comment that I've seen for a while ;p and alright I didn't want everybody to just be like oh it's easy, I didn't ask if the boots were easy to get, asked what the 2nd best were ;p
Stamina stacking for heavy rogue / 24 teams.
Crit / haste otherwise, its also a lot more fun if you are not just a tank spamming FoL, in my opinion.

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