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  1. 85 twinks

    Haste is useless in PvP compared to crit > mastery sorry... Feel free to provide proof though because all I can find is Crit > Mastery > Haste for pvp arms at the moment.
  2. Help Needed over 85s Enhancement Shaman.

    Makes sense to me, :)
  3. Help Needed over 85s Enhancement Shaman.

    Pretty much, he dinged 87 last night and hit me with stormblast for 182k or something lol... That's without best in slot, synapse springs or pots... Pretty awesome :)
  4. Help Needed over 85s Enhancement Shaman.

    Chíga @ Frostmourne - Community - World of Warcraft He's lvling to 87 now, Ascendance is that good!
  5. Help Needed over 85s Enhancement Shaman.

    Not gonna lie I don't know much about shammy, but this is my mates twink in the making. He's currently missing bracers and cloak from rares, for pvp you prolly want a pvp trinket but he's running the charge trinket for lols. If you are staying lvl 85 you'd probably want to go tailoring for your...
  6. Best Plate for Sun-Lute at 85?

    The only issue with that as a warrior is that in pvp haste is pretty useless (although better then dodge/hit) you'd lose a reasonably chunk of stam and 180ish str, reforging the haste to mastery makes it a nice all round belt. But at 55% mastery I'd much rather the strength and stam from...
  7. Best Plate for Sun-Lute at 85?

    It's not bad, but it's still lacking in stats + you can't fit a MOP crit gem in it.
  8. Best Plate for Sun-Lute at 85?

    Unbreakable Waistplate is best in slot for any plate dps at 85... The next best thing is ghost-forged, using ghost forged of the avatar you might end up with a bit more crit or mastery but you'll be missing a huge chunk of stam and strength. Plus with item scaling the gap between these two items...
  9. can i get a BiS 85 aff lock??

    Orphism @ Frostmourne - Community - World of Warcraft EDIT: Now that I look at it he is in alot of cata gear now, you'd probably be better off rolling with MOP gear but I'm no lock sorry!
  10. Best Plate for Sun-Lute at 85?

    Just roll what ever you enjoy.. I went warrior over DK/Pally and I have no trouble topping BGs, 2v2 as a warrior with current resil is pretty clutch but 3s and 5s aren't so bad. If your constantly playing on your own you might find pally a bit better, bubble/bop etc and flash heals that will...
  11. 85 twinks

    chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA 85 Arms Warrior BIS
  12. 85 twinks

    I very much doubt BIS is going to change next patch, unless they significantly nerf MOP gear it will still win over pvp gear from a purely stats point of view for best in slot. Imo, get some chardevs up for each class so people have something to reference, worse case scenario is we have to...
  13. 5.4 Enchants Nerf - 80 Bracket Impact

    Blizzard just want to see the world burn... On the plus side, if this change goes live with the resilience changes it'll make arena much more fun and less bursty. In BGs we scale up to 89 anyway so we'll still get the full gem/enchant bonuses. I'm looking forward to some fun arena's in 5.4 :cool:
  14. 5.4 Enchants Nerf - 80 Bracket Impact

    This change pretty much makes blacksmithing or engi a better choice then tailoring with the embroidery nerf. Stacking str you could probably come pretty close to the bonus the enchant gives and have it passively..
  15. 85 twinks

    50k Arcane shots are the least of our worries... with 40% resil it's not uncommon at all to get hit for over 100k by anyone geared properly.. I hit a rogue the other night in jade forest for 180k as fury with dragons roar. I've been crit for well over 150k by boomkins, doing 2v2 my partner got...
  16. Everyone here is going to hate me for this but...

    Not gonna say everyone out there in the bracket plays perfectly, but the damage is still silly. Granted I have lute, but just about any dps can nearly global someone. I very much doubt many of the people I've been playing against lately have enjoyed their BG (Only just finished gearing last...
  17. Everyone here is going to hate me for this but...

    As fun as it is.. don't you get bored?? I was in a wsg last night where I was just standing in the enemies graveyard with the flag instagibbing people as they rez. It's fun for a little while, but it gets boring and if we get many games like that people will just stop queing. Less people...
  18. Sun-Lute upgrading time!

    Annnd done! Weapon scaling to ilvl533 (or was it 538..) in bgs is hilarious!
  19. 5.3 Bullshit

    I swear there was a blue post about the resil from 80-89s.. I'll see if i can dig it up.
  20. Sun-Lute upgrading time!

    Grats! I think we'll have to get a list of twinks with upgraded lute and get some org bgs happening for giggles. :cool: