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  1. Express Your Sexlife With Words From WoW

    Not enough Rage!
  2. Twink Info Steam Group.

    Is anyone else on steam and play the games linked? It maybe a random idea but id rather like one. ^^ Edit: Should i have put this in the suggestion section?
  3. Whats the deal with fiery?

    I think fiery is 8 and LS is 6. I may be wrong.
  4. Level 1 and 10 twinking questions.

    Explain. :)
  5. Mega Lulz

    So is this viable for pvp? Duel buzzer on a rogue with this? Or a stam built druid?
  6. Mega Lulz

    ye a 38.5% chance off 1 swipe for it to proc.
  7. Rogue Weapons Dps

    You really do hate theifs blade dont you. <3
  8. Mega Lulz

    So viable for pvp or not? I remember back in the day my feral drood at 19 (such a noob back then), i used to spam swipe due to being ganged up on. Kinky?
  9. Mega Lulz

    PVE drood? I remember using swipe alot in pvp. :confused: 3 people on you, it would proc once every 2 swipes? Could you pair it with Whelp gloves? That has a 5%, so hitting 3 targets with swipe would also increase its chance. Edit: Would sticking it on summat like...
  10. Back - end game sucks?

    Blackout seems to be thriving atm. Most horde have moved to dreanor to join the epeen their, and we got some alliance coming in after 3.2. I suggest Aggramar if you dont like epeen, and dreanor if you wanna fight over who is the best.
  11. Twinking smarter (saw this today)

    You can still be a good at the game without MS, i remember when people utilised 10 hit/crit.
  12. level ten premade setup and profiles

    Or if your really lucky and rich, use Formal with runes. Nice info Hasty.
  13. What class is best to support a rogue

    Thanks alot Peni, was thinking about a priest, got a massive guild to go up against and there is only 2 of us..... Very nice chars you got there. :D
  14. What class is best to support a rogue

    Im not asking whether a rogue needs support, im asking what class is best to play with a rogue. A twinked rogue cant take everything on his own, especially with the increased number of horde twinks on blackout. Thanks for the people that posted information that was useful to me, what...
  15. What class is best to support a rogue

    Mostly for wsg. Class: Reason Thanks for all advise.
  16. 10 Twink Pally

    Sorry for double post, made a thingy v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
  17. 10 Twink Pally

    Well ive decided on a prot palla, with 47% armor mitigation and 19% damage and crit mitigation, using unholy. Main way of damage is critting, with only a 41% crit chance though :( .
  18. 10 Twink Pally

    I was thinking shaman because of the kiting abilities + the option of a sheild. Palladin would be more of an offensive choice imo. Im trying to think of ways to incorperate the resilience change, worked out you could get 46% armor mitigation + 22% resi mitigation = 68% This would...
  19. 10 Twink Pally

    Dont forget the change to resi, according to a chardev of a level 10 i may make 1 resi = 1% reduce on all damage and to the enemies crit chance. Imagine, 18 resi = 18% less crit for your enemy, and having more armor mitigation than a fully geared 19warrior/palla. v6 ~ a...
  20. check this out

    All come blackout, i swear its not full of epeen filled retards. :D