Search results

  1. Rigsby

    WTS 100$ in TGC Loot or WoW related for Gold

    Heya, I'm looking to earn some easy gold in game, and I'm willing to sell up to 100$ in either TGC Loot, Game time, racial changes, realm transfer, etc. My main is currently located on (Alliance) US - Darkspear, and i'm looking for some good deals. I guess I could do some off server selling, but...
  2. Rigsby

    US Rest in Peace, Sneaky. You will be missed.

    ສ່ວນທີ່ເຫຼືອໃນສັນຕິພາບ I apologize for the lost of your friends, and prayers are with them and the family. Here is a temporary signature for those who care and value the life of the lost. I will continue making another one, at a better quality. Rest In Peace ສ່ວນທີ່ເຫຼືອໃນສັນຕິພາບ
  3. Rigsby

    In Memoriam - Sneaky

    ສ່ວນທີ່ເຫຼືອໃນສັນຕິພາບ I apologize for the lost of your friends, and prayers are with them and the family. Here is a temporary signature for those who care and value the life of the lost. I will continue making another one, at a better quality. Rest In Peace ສ່ວນທີ່ເຫຼືອໃນສັນຕິພາບ
  4. Rigsby

    GY Camping

    Obviously, hes PuBl1cDuMbA$$.
  5. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    Lol well go into the hardware, and try to find it. Yea I love mine! Its perty cool!
  6. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    New razor orbweaver got in! Really like it, but its a lot bigger than what I expected.
  7. Rigsby

    Rate the profile layout above :)

    I think mine came out pretty well.
  8. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    Hahaha yea I have a badass Bose surround sound in my office, but my sister and her newborn are down the hall, visiting us for a few months, so I went out and grabbed a pair of Siberias.
  9. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    LOL marantz? Jesus man, they still work? Lol
  10. Rigsby

    User Interface!

    I won't fight you there. As you are I started off pretty complex and slowly dumbed it down. I guess I just enjoy customization. Makes the game a bit more fun, and cooler.
  11. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    Nah, I don't think I would spend as much just for gaming. It just sort of worked out. Originally I had pretty much this computer but just like 500 series graphic card. I grabbed the 2 670s after my GM suggested it to me :) I really like how it turned out though. Enough about my computer, what...
  12. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    The only things I payed for were the peripherals, case, and the graphics card. I honestly don't know why it's over clocked lol that's how I just got installed or how they chose to do it. I think the pricing on the computer is like 1700-2000 and then another 1000$ for the peripherals. The Ram...
  13. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    Well with my line of work, most of that is required, or at least makes thing easier. I had always enjoyed gaming, so I just added a few more things, and ended up with my current computer. The only thing I'd say I went excessive on is graphics -.- thinking I should of went a little more for...
  14. Rigsby

    User Interface!

    User Interface! Heya guys! Rigsby here, and I decided that we should start some new fun, and set it off with some fun forum threads. Here we have the User Inteface thread! Show peeps what'cha are enjoyin' the game with! I'm going to be remaking my User Interface within the next few...
  15. Rigsby

    Computer Specs! What'cha gaming with?

    Computer Specs! Heya guys! Rigsby here, and I decided that we should start some new fun, and set it off with some fun forum threads. Here we have the computer spec thread! Show peeps what'cha are enjoyin' the game on! Case: Thermaltake Overseer Full Tower Gaming Case Operating System...
  16. Rigsby

    Hey there, I go by Daileek

  17. Rigsby

    Questions & Answers

    What is F2P? I'm a bit new to the whole twink stuff.
  18. Rigsby

    Dr Pepper or Pepsi Max?

    Inca kola is the best.
  19. Rigsby

    Hi my name is fort and i have something to say

    I support this!