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  1. RedRussian

    Confirmed! Belt Buckle Failed

    I used WotLK buckle but I can try the other two.
  2. RedRussian

    Confirmed! Belt Buckle Failed

    Belt buckle can be added to your belt using the old exploit but you won't be able to socket a gem: gemming will just silently fail.
  3. RedRussian

    Best you've done in a BG so far?

    I miss these good old cata days and 25 minute wsgs. It was so fun to dot the entire team to death as a lvl 10 moonkin.
  4. RedRussian

    Best you've done in a BG so far?

    I exploited satchels as well and my top score with it was 179 on warlock. But 189 kbs on hunter were completely fair :)
  5. RedRussian

    Best you've done in a BG so far?

    50 frags is a typical stat for me when we're farming exp-on in a party of 3. Our hunter gets about 80-90 frags in average and 15-20 are leeched by our healer. My highscore on my boomkin in this patch is about 120 though my best highscore is 189 and it was achieved back in cata on my hunter.
  6. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    Blizzard don't give a **** about what is posted on twinkinfo and low level pvp in general. They can just read Ownedcore (their free testing department :)) I don't think it'll get fixed soon, not in this month at least.
  7. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    Yep, you need a lvl 80+ toon to apply this scroll. This toon can be either on your own account or on a separate one. In case of only one account you need to use a disconnect exploit: 1. log in as your twink 2. open 2nd wow window and log in as your lvl 80+ toon 3. twink gets DCed though it...
  8. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    Палачкачков this is my druid. Check out the guild and you'll find a decently geared shaman and hunter. These are my priest friends (they're not fully geared): Whorécraft Istopyourlwl
  9. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    Nope, but you can dodge XP events with logout though it cannot be effectively applied anywhere but in wsg/tp. Actually this logout thing is almost one year old :)
  10. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    Don't believe kids from Ownedcore who didn't actually test it themselves or at least read the whole thread. Scrolls do not get removed after entering a bg.
  11. RedRussian

    Scroll Exploit

    These +100 scrolls are really awesome in 10-14 bracket! It's hilarious to see 900 hp levelling scrubs trying to scratch our 5.8k resto shaman.
  12. RedRussian

    Uh oh... :)

    It's a golden patch for oneshotting levelling scrubs in wsg. Just like good old days as lvl 14 cata hunter.
  13. RedRussian

    Scum is here to stay allowed or disallowed. I guess I'm back time to evolve.

    Hi, Scum. Do you use any real automation to make your slave chars even more effective? If not I strongly recommend you to do so :/ Just imagine: slaves assisting a master char 100% of time, they cast all abilities automatically, autodetect hidden stealthers and more! And it's not bannable cuz...
  14. RedRussian

    'stendels' bane

    I caught 4 rings in 12 hrs using coolfish bot. Perhaps I was lucky but botting for entire night can almost guarantee you at least 1 ring.
  15. RedRussian

    Stendel's Wedding Band

    Just fishbot it, drop rate is pretty nice. 4 rings in 8 hrs xD
  16. RedRussian

    LF friends for 78-79 BG fun and trading runs through Throne and BRC

    79 bracket is screwed now because 75-76 levelling scrubs get their ilvl upscaled by 100.
  17. RedRussian

    Odd item scaling in BG's

  18. RedRussian

    Vaseline Twinker 3 addon - pwn n00bs in levelling BGs!

    Of course you can use 2 scripts:) /run AcceptBattlefieldPort(1, 1);AcceptBattlefieldPort(2, 1);debugprofilestart() while debugprofilestop()<DELAY_IN_MS do end StaticPopup1Button1:Click();StaticPopup2Button1:Click() and /run while true do end Use first to enter BG with stopped xp and second to...
  19. RedRussian

    Vaseline Twinker 3 addon - pwn n00bs in levelling BGs!

    I proudly present you Vaseline Twinker 3 - addon created to automate and augment a new exploit allowing you to get into a levelling BG as XP-stopped twink! You may download it from here vaseline-twinker-3 - Addon that allows you to join levelling BG as XP-off twink - Google Project Hosting...
  20. RedRussian

    THIS..ISS... the leveling bracket.

    OP, don't spec arcane, it's not surprising that you were farmed by ruski.