THIS..ISS... the leveling bracket.

clearly you cannot theory-craft PvP completely. but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that resil is king now with the introduction of

a, 40% base resil.
b, 409 items.

Actually, it would imply that since
a)Without any resil you still have 40% damage reduction
b)You can do insane damage with 409 gear (which has no resil)
you should optimally have few resil pieces at best.

Also, you keep talking about effective health, but you don't take into account mana. When you can heal, resilience not only increases your effective health by your normal health, but it also increases the effective healing of your heals, making you oom slower, causing you to have an even greater effective health through your heals.
Im sorry but the only pool of classes that can stack res and it be remotely fun to play is a healer because your damage doesn't matter , Sure no one can kill you but your heals suck and all you are to me is a FC but still i would never do it . I like playing my 84 Boomkin druid because its an adreniline rush just trying to stay alive and having to use tatics and all the spells in my book because thats how pvp is sopost to be played if most of you 80 twinks went and played arena at level cap youd get shit on because you have no skill what soever. I think its fair i do alot of damage but when people get on me i die thats how pvp is sopost to be not hit for 400 because some lame is taking advantage of the shitty situation dpser's in bgs is in right now, back in the day we played the brackets level cap now since 80's and 70's are op you all bandwagoner's want to play them so you can laugh at how much people try and kill you but yet you do nothing to help the BG besides running around having people try and kill you and run around the map doing it...

Grow some balls level to 84 then come see me because with your 1000+ res ill still kill your ass at 80 Even if it takes an hour.
boonkins are the new frostmages and u say its an " adrenaline rush" to "try" to stay alive? ur the best example for an 84s fag who was bad, is bad and will ever stay bad

Bad , Where is your logic ? 404 Page Missing.

It takes skill to play with no pvp gear and have 10 people attacking you at the same time and get away to end up killing them all , Yeah im soo bad with my Gladiator / Arena Master . ROFL

You dont know me you cant call me bad , Whats your twink's name ? So i can teabag you in bg after i Gy camp your ass for a week and make you move back to the 70 bracket where you need no skill.
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Im sorry but the only pool of classes that can stack res and it be remotely fun to play is a healer because your damage doesn't matter , Sure no one can kill you but your heals suck and all you are to me is a FC but still i would never do it . I like playing my 84 Boomkin druid because its an adreniline rush just trying to stay alive and having to use tatics and all the spells in my book because thats how pvp is sopost to be played if most of you 80 twinks went and played arena at level cap youd get shit on because you have no skill what soever. I think its fair i do alot of damage but when people get on me i die thats how pvp is sopost to be not hit for 400 because some lame is taking advantage of the shitty situation dpser's in bgs is in right now, back in the day we played the brackets level cap now since 80's and 70's are op you all bandwagoner's want to play them so you can laugh at how much people try and kill you but yet you do nothing to help the BG besides running around having people try and kill you and run around the map doing it...

Grow some balls level to 84 then come see me because with your 1000+ res ill still kill your ass at 80 Even if it takes an hour.

Grow some balls and level to 84? You took the easy train going to 84... And on the way there you lost all of your respect if you had any.. seems you don't from previous comments
Wtf is with the stamina you nearly cut half it's damage with all that crap.. And the few 10k stam maybe? Yeah that's gonna help alot, maybe if you could insert some res there it'd help stam does nothing O_O

Actually, he probably isn't. That mage has 15% less haste, 10% less crit, and 1k less spellpower than mine, but has 24k more HP, 8% more resil, and 500 more mastery. It has significantly more effective health without losing a ton of damage. Problem is, even I have an issue killing healers outside of Lifeblood+Berserking+Combustion/Arcane Power/Frost Bomb shatter, so that character will have even more of a problem. Against everyone else, it will probably be a bit more effective simply because it has insane survivability.

I think though that DCB should be swapped for Grakl's. Shouldn't undervalue Ice Barrier. That would give you 35k IBarr with 74.5% resil, giving it an effective value of just under 140k in comparison to a 32.6IBarr /w 76.5& resil which gives an ES of 138.7k. So you get a little bit more bang for your buck, more baseline damage, and stronger burst.

I also don't know if that really is a max effective HP build. You can get up to 79.5% resil with Blacksmithing .w 51k HP which gives you EV of 248.7 versus 62.5k and 76.65% resil with an EV of 267k. Key difference being an increase in the value of your IBarr and any heals done to you.

Still you can't get to the point where you can avoid being 1 shot.
Actually, he probably isn't. That mage has 15% less haste, 10% less crit, and 1k less spellpower than mine, but has 24k more HP, 8% more resil, and 500 more mastery. It has significantly more effective health without losing a ton of damage. Problem is, even I have an issue killing healers outside of Lifeblood+Berserking+Combustion/Arcane Power/Frost Bomb shatter, so that character will have even more of a problem. Against everyone else, it will probably be a bit more effective simply because it has insane survivability.

Well, on the bracers you could have 500int or 170 mastery big damage difference right there.. instead of 750 stam, as you said either way you're going to be one shot.

Plus 10% is a fairly huge crit loss along with 15% haste, and as we know spell power stacks pretty high.. I am also a bit lost how this mage has more mastery than yours does. What does your build look like?

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