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  1. Make Lovely Charms Really Quickly on Twink

    Was questing in this area and found it's a great spot for a level 10 and under twink to farm charms. I'm level 5 on this twink, and get a charm every 1-2 kills. Great way to make gold during the holiday event. They never run out and and you can 1-2 shot these guys for hours without stopping...
  2. Question!

    It's a fun diversion from the regular grind of WoW. I have a good time just testing my limits on my level 5 twink. There's really no meaning or reward behind it. That's what makes it truly just for pure fun though.
  3. Does the code to join raids at low level still work?

    The macro still work as of recently for me.
  4. Back to what started it all.

    Yeah man, I'd farm all the mats for low level twinking enchants. The AH prices will absolutely destroy you price wise. For example, I farmed the +7 agil to gloves enchant in about 15 minutes. The price on AH was 641G on Moon Guard. 20G tip+30 minutes time is well worth the farm, imo.
  5. Uh... Level 6 rogue twink?

    Sounds pretty interesting. With the new changes in MoP I could see this being a fun and viable option honestly.
  6. Best Level 1-9 Twink video's

    Some awesome stuff! A bracket that doesn't get much attention, but is really fun to do on the side.
  7. Level 3-4 twinking?

    If you're going to go to 4 I'd say just going to 5. Same stat scaling but at least you get fishing which can pass some time.
  8. Level 1 pandas.

    Doesn't look like there's any way possible at this point in game.
  9. lvl 1 worgen possible!

    Proof please?
  10. Lesser known changes you've found thus far in new patch...

    That's pretty interesting to hear.
  11. Lesser known changes you've found thus far in new patch...

    Try logging onto all your characters. Seems to be happening to a lot of people and this fixes it.
  12. Lesser known changes you've found thus far in new patch...

    To be fair, Hunters at 85 actually were very buffed in PVP. I'm noticing a loss of DPS in PVE, but that's mainly because our gear doesn't have expertise on it yet. Result is having to lose a lot of haste/crit/mastery to reforge to it. Pyrium chain can't be put on any ranged weapons. Appears to...
  13. Lesser known changes you've found thus far in new patch...

    1. My Hunter pet went from 40ish HP to over 250, and scales up to 340ish with +15 stam Rumsey Black Label. This scaling never happened previously. Pet still hits for basically nothing however on higher level targets. 2. BOA exploit where you could xmog heirlooms so long as the weapon it's...