Search results

  1. Donate a prepaid to #1 troll of the world

    Or it was getting transported by some farmer, stuck its head out and got nailed by a sign and is filled with Sugar!
  2. LF a Freind! xD

    Hmm you show promise.. Do you like chocolate sauce? Do you do anal? Do you own any handcuffs?
  3. Applications!

    What he said
  4. Donate a prepaid to #1 troll of the world

    Can we share? Mine broke :'(
  5. The UI thread.

    I'm banned on the official wow forums
  6. What do you know about your SF's history?

    Oh shit I just noticed, I typed "want" instead of "went". Now the grammar police are gonna get me back for trolling. And Pre-TBC like 100g~ and TBC 200g =)
  7. The UI thread.

    You didn't get the innuendo /SIGH Why not?
  8. What do you know about your SF's history?

    Uhm I want to the AH; searched Shadowfang; saw several on there; bought one; went to the mailbox; ???; profit.
  9. The UI thread.

    You're proud of sucking? I didn't get to know you during my stay, but heh, keeps up the trend I suppose <3
  10. The UI thread.

    You suck at trolling then.
  11. The UI thread.

    If you didn't then what were you doing?
  12. Edgemaster's Handguards

    This topic disgusts me.
  13. how private property is this site?

    Can I have your babies?
  14. The UI thread.

    Did you, just try and troll me? If so...
  15. Why do YOU play at 19?

    So yeah, why? Why not another bracket?
  16. The UI thread.

    If you think thats my real UI I have a few questions for you. Do you play a 19 hunter? Do you play a Death Knight? That is all.
  17. handy resource

    Apparntly my hunter shits on the averages. And am I the only hunter with a 0/29/11 Build :'(
  18. Express Your Sexlife With Words From WoW

    Addled Leper I'd tap that.
  19. Express Your Sexlife With Words From WoW

    11866 Nuff said tbh