LF a Freind! xD


Hi all, I'm looking for someone to play with. Atm. my twink is on Bladefist EU, I am willing to transfer or reroll a new one, but that will require some help.

It don't has to be many, just a few ones.

Please help me, I feel so lonely on Bladefist :S
^ 0.o

Anyways, I'll make a horde character with you on Wildhammer, but are you talking twink or a leveling character? because if you reroll, your not going to have anything. 0.o

Anyways, just pm me if you want. =)

Btw, you spelled friend wrong in you sig, and your topic itself. XD
Hey, Bronzebeard EU, Is quiet nice

If you want to reroll here, I'd be happy to boost, but sadly i cant fund you :/

Theres an active twink community here, not sure how queues will be after 3.2 though, If you want to come /w me in game, I'd either be on Duckandcover , Doyoulikedot , Jox or Rizah. All alliance side.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

WTS freindship! I'm on Stormrage US So, ruin Battlegroup. If you come join me ( Charactar is Faceröll) You'll get to join a popular Ruin Twink guild for 19s, Savy. You'll get geared and enchanted by me and some guildies. I'm new to teh palleh twinkage but you'll be extremely welcome. Hope you choose me.

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