Search results

  1. Kolgrom

    Pizza streaming WSG pugs!

    Haha what's up man. Yeah I do occasionally. Sadly standalone doesn't live up to the hype and is essentially complete crap. Been playing Arma 3 a bunch though lately.
  2. Kolgrom

    Pizza streaming WSG pugs!

    Dodging like a true dodger dodges. Good to see things haven't changed. How's the speech impediment treating you?
  3. Kolgrom

    Pizza streaming WSG pugs!

    lel TTU#1
  4. Kolgrom

    24 Guild [Uldum-Alliance] Recruiting. <The Harlem Conundrum>

    Soon I will be buying and transferring over to a level 25 guild so that everyone has perks. Same name.
  5. Kolgrom

    More balance to the bracket

    Yeah the coming weeks will be quite horrid for the bracket. I'll just put it this way, when ANY healer can stay up against and in most cases beat almost ANY other class in a 1v1 then there is a problem. Last time I checked healing meant to heal, not decimate everyone as if you're a dps. This...
  6. Kolgrom

    Sub-minute BG's

    Hahah yeah. There's always such a split opinion when it comes to the ratio of 24's. In my experience me and my guildies are usually the only 24s in our games. And if there is other 24's then they're usually 1300 health heros (equiv to a f2p). Either way queue's will go on! lol
  7. Kolgrom

    Sub-minute BG's

    Yeahhh everyone go horde so that the bracket becomes unbalanced. Sounds like a great idea.
  8. Kolgrom

    24 Guild [Uldum-Alliance] Recruiting. <The Harlem Conundrum>

    Getting a solid team, need all classes still. Plenty of funding still available (Bring a fresh char with Boas here and we'll provide all the rest).
  9. Kolgrom

    24 list (US)

    Finally getting around to posting this. Kolgrum (BiS) - Kolgrum @ Uldum - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Conundrûm (Soon to be BiS) - Conundrûm @ Uldum - Game Guide - World of Warcraft My guild <The Harlem Conundrum> Roster - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Recruitment Post...
  10. Kolgrom

    24 Guild [Uldum-Alliance] Recruiting. <The Harlem Conundrum>

    Bump! Full funding still available. Gbank is very stocked now.
  11. Kolgrom

    WTB Hotshot Pilot's Gloves 20k.

    Wanting to buy Hotshot Pilot's Gloves, Paying 20k (Will negotiate). Any Server Horde or Alliance, I will transfer to you and buy them. Pm me if you have a pair and are interested.
  12. Kolgrom

    Hotshot Pilot's Gloves

    damnnittt I woulda payed 20k yadigg. Shoulda hit me up.
  13. Kolgrom

    Hotshot Pilot's Gloves

    What server?
  14. Kolgrom

    24 Guild [Uldum-Alliance] Recruiting. <The Harlem Conundrum>

    There is such thing as being busy, farming on other chars to stock gbank. Stop trying to troll. The guild is still growing, it will be plenty active.