Sub-minute BG's

Twenty minute queues are bad enough, but about one in five are spawn into finished game. This turns a twenty minute queue into a forty minute queue. Just thought I'd mention it, in case anyone was trying to decide which faction.
It's upsetting at times to say the least :/
However, I think the best way to deal with it is find things to fill your time during Those dreadful ques!
Quests, archeology, cooking, achievements, all good time wasters while waiting for those elusive ques :D
Roll ally get all BIS ally gear and faction change as soon as possible.

Ally queue times are painful
more 24s for horde please. a 2:1 ratio of 24s isn't enough for them so give them more! jk like gay said just find something to do during those queues instead of sitting there watching the time. Maybe if afks weren't allowed somehow when horde team is going for last cap with flag in mid or when the game has less then 3 minutes left no afks allowed.. could easily stop the 1 minute bg problems
It gives us more horde to que against though! What could be better than that?
Hahah yeah. There's always such a split opinion when it comes to the ratio of 24's. In my experience me and my guildies are usually the only 24s in our games. And if there is other 24's then they're usually 1300 health heros (equiv to a f2p). Either way queue's will go on! lol

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