Search results

  1. droolin

    Know Your F2P Twink

  2. droolin

    Real ID premades.

    PM me your realid to start premading. XD I'll do whatever. Btw this is for horde.
  3. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    OMG!! Shalendra that level 10 rogue going for AGM??? LOL! Sorry for ganking you. I thought you were a random. :(
  4. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    Too bad you are on alliance. :( I can't stand those long ques otherwise I would join you.
  5. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    I don't recall, however your priest looks like a very formidable opponent. :)
  6. droolin

    Upsides of F2P

    The upsides of being a trial is that you don't have to pay for guild hierlooms and enchants. You can easily reroll in 2-3 days if you want another class. You don't have to pay for the game!!! :) And 24s are usually mass targetted by everyone.
  7. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    add me im "Droolin" on Jaedenar horde. As I see you don't run the addon.
  8. droolin

    RATE MY WARRIOR!!! BIS for 2x1h dps?

    This is just my preference but i prefer the crit belt and cloak.
  9. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

  10. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    Thank you very much I appreciate it :)
  11. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment. Thank you. :)
  12. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment. Yeah now that you mention it I think I did too. :( Common error on my part.
  13. droolin

    Yay :) part 2

    Nice going getting your accounts back, too bad on those GFed items :(
  14. droolin

    Physombia-the new kid

    Hello physombia I am new as well. :) I have seen you in some battleground you might know me as Droolin - Jaedanar. :)
  15. droolin

    Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.

    Hello , all I am new to TI. :) It gets kind of lonely on Jaedenar, so I wanted to promote a little interest to my server. The server is very empty and I can guarantee an AGM in 2-3 days.