Jaedenar - Horde. Recruitment.


Hello , all I am new to TI. :)

It gets kind of lonely on Jaedenar, so I wanted to promote a little interest to my server.
The server is very empty and I can guarantee an AGM in 2-3 days.
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Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment.

I'm fairly certain that you just spelled the name of your own realm wrong
Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment.

Yeah now that you mention it I think I did too. :(
Common error on my part.
Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment.

Jaed is an easy place to get an AGM...unless 39s pick back up again. A lot of 39s on Jaed. GL w/ your search.

Re: Jaedanar - Horde. Recruitment.

Thank you. :)
Thank you very much I appreciate it :)
add me im "Droolin" on Jaedenar horde. As I see you don't run the addon.
Glad you finally got your AGM, got tired of you killing me last week, Droolin... Now that I'm geared, it would be a different story. ;-)
I don't recall, however your priest looks like a very formidable opponent. :)
if you make a horde druid anywhere but on bwl i will bake you into a cookie . any other class by all means make it here :)
Shalendra that level 10 rogue going for AGM???
Sorry for ganking you.
I thought you were a random.
good luck! i suggest offering the F2Paddon to f2ps in your server already because they just might not know about it. And trust me there is alot..
Shalendra that level 10 rogue going for AGM???
Sorry for ganking you.
I thought you were a random.

No big, I got my AGM, and now I'm all growed up, level 20. Just grinding my gear/enchants now.

I'm sure we will meet again.

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